Title: Living the High Life - Part 5/5
Rating: PG13
Genre: Drama, Comedy (or trying for anyway), and some Angst
Characters: Ten, Donna, implied Ten/Rose
Word Count: 3,258
Summary: While traveling with Donna, Ten accidentally ingests an alien hallucinogenic that makes him believe Donna is actually Rose. Forced into an awkward situation with a suddenly
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Comments 17
but seriously, even though it made my cry like a baby and since i'd kinda twigged that you wouldn't have a happy ending, it was a perfect ending. you're right; it slots nicely into series four.
and i also loved how the doctor tried to brush donna off with a "who else would you be?" that's our doctor, pretending everything is okay when all he needs is a giant hug! oh and i loved how you explained how he got infected and donna didn't, with the appendixes, and the pure form have an amnesia-like effect.
all in all ... i'm so glad that you took this in the TTU ficathon way back in september. so glad. it's definitely getting bookmarked THIS VERY SECOND and it's become one of my favourite doctor who fanfics ever ever. i love it so much. (maybe i could repay you sometime - you could prompt me!) but just - thank you!!! :D
Sorry I couldn't give you happy fun times love, but better than the super angst that conversation could have been yeah? (and I know you were dreading that would be coming :P)
i also loved how the doctor tried to brush donna off with a "who else would you be?"
That and I thought it served as a nice parallel to how they both reacted back in part 1 when he thought she was Rose. Similar situation, very different meaning now. The funny thing with the appendixes is I almost forgot to put it in! *is embarrassed* It was only as I was proof reading it that I went 'Hang on a sec...I think I'm missing a bit here' Opps. I'm special like that XP
XD I'm so happy that you liked what I did with your prompt in the end. Not sure if I got the triple point score as they don't really talk about Rose, but I tried to incorporate as many of your extra bits as I could. That fact that you just loved to SO much more than I had hoped it just...fantastic doesn't really cover it but it's an awesome feeling. Thank you ( ... )
I would have preferred a happier ending of course, but I like where you took it all the same
No, it had been a bit like kissing one of her gay mates when they were drunk she supposed
LOL!!! Perfect comparison for her. XD
WAH! MAH DOCTAH! *Sniffles*
You, darling, are a genius. I love the appendix explanation and how the Doctor basically brushes off what happened, but Donna doesn't let him. She doesn't pry, but she does do her best to comfort him and tell him she's there for him. Everyone's characterization was so perfect!
It fits perfectly into canon, but seeing as I love to be in denial about JE most of the time, I'll just pretend like everyone got their happy end. ;)
Really though, this was a magnificent story! I'm so glad I finally got around to it!
So sorry for the late responses! I've been on 'read only' mood for the internet since I've been so busy lately. :(
I was so anxious when I posted this first foray into Whodom writing so it was doubly awesome to have so much positive feedback on it. :) Especially with such great feedback on my characterization being spot on.
Other then the events in the first chapter I really didn't know how I wanted to end this so I'm glad it worked in the end and that people thought it flowed well, XD.
A few reviewers have asked if I'll do a sequel but other than more 'Happy Fun Times with BBFs Doctor/Donna, I really don't know what I'd do as this isn't a great jumping point for me to redo Journey's End off of, ya know? :P
Anyway, thanks again for all the love and reviews and I'm sorry I'm only just getting around to writing a reply!
No problem! I've basically been the same, read only, with a little writing in between when the brain-brain cooperates with the muse. So many ideas so little time and so little brain juice. I blame the heat.
That's how I am whenever I post to a new fandom. I was doubly nervous for Doctor Who and sometimes still am. >.> You did such an amazing job with this story and the characters!
Sometimes, no matter how much a sequel is wanted, a story does not call for it, even though you may have some vague idea. I'd love a sequel if the muse ever strikes, but it was a perfect ending point too!
Again no problem! I hope all is well and that you'll have time to write again soon!
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