(no subject)

Aug 27, 2006 21:34

Bands // Song TitlesChoose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band::The Whitlams Are you female or male::Tiny Girls Describe yourself::Where Is She? How do some people feel about you::Been Away Too Long How do you feel about yourself::Second Best Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend::Last Life Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend::Beautiful As You Describe where you want to be::Breathing You In Describe what you want to be::Royal In The Afternoon Describe how you live::Coming Up For Air Describe how you love::No Aphrodisiac Share a few words of wisdom::I Will Not Go Quietly Take this survey | Find more surveys
You've been totally Bzoink*d

Bands // Song TitlesChoose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band::Staind Are you female or male::Zoe Jane Describe yourself::Self Destruct How do some people feel about you::Cross To Bear How do you feel about yourself::Nameless Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend::Change Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend::Warm Safe Place Describe where you want to be::So Far Away Describe what you want to be::Me Describe how you live::Reality Describe how you love::Falling Share a few words of wisdom::Open Your Eyes Take this survey | Find more surveys
You've been totally Bzoink*d

1. What is your middle name?

2. If you had been born the other sex, did your parents tell you what your name would have been?

3. Do you have children and if so, what are their names?

4. If you were to ever have a child or more children, what would you name them?
I don't know.

5. Most people know their mother's maiden name, but do you know your grandmothers' maiden names?

6. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?

7. What was the name of your first pet?

9. What was the name of the school you attended as a child?
Brunswick East Primary.

10. What was/is the name of your English teacher(s) in high school?
Ms Tellefson, Ms McLean, Mr Thomas.

11. Do you name your vehicles? What are the name(s)?


>> name: Amy.
>> Age: 18.
>> Birthday: October 29.
>> School: La Trobe University.
>> Eyes: Green.
>> Hair: Dark brown.
>> Height: 5'10"ish.
>> Shoe Size: 9-10.
>> Who lives with you: Mother, sister, mother's significant other.
>> When is your bedtime?: Whenever.

>> Flown on a plane: No.
>> Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No.
>> Missed school because it was raining: No.
>> Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: Yes.
>> Put a body part on fire for amusement: No.
>> Had a crush on a friends girlfriend/boyfriend: No.
>> Been hurt emotionally: Yes.
>> Kept a secret from everyone: Yes.
>> Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yes.
>> Ever thought an animated character was hot?: No.
>> Cut your hair: My fringe, although my best friend and I gave each other haircuts once... We were 4.
>> Had crush on a teacher? No.

>> Shampoo: Sunsilk.
>> Fav Color: Green.
>> Day/Night: Night.
>> Summer/Winter: Winter.
>> Lace or Satin: Both.
>> Cartoon Character: Daria, maybe.
>> Fave Food: Too many.
>> Fave Advertisement: There are a few, though none spring to mind.
>> Fave Drink: Lucky/Bubble Cup.
>> Person to talk to online: Benjamin.
>> Fave sport: Don't have one.
>> Fave Car: Don't have one.
>> Fave sports stars: Don't have one.

>> Wearing: Pants, shirt, jumper. Shoes. Socks. Underwear.
>> Eating: Nothing.
>> Drinking: Nothing.
>> Thinkin bout: This quiz.
>> Listening to: Nothing.

(**IN THE LAST 24 HRS**)
>> Cried: Yes.
>> Worn jeans: No.
>> Done laundry: No.
>> Drove a car: No.
>> Talked on the phone: No.
>> Kissed someone: Yes.
>> Said "I love you": Yes.

>> Yourself: Most of the time.
>> Your friends: Some.
>> Santa Claus: No.
>> Tooth Fairy: No.
>> Destiny/Fate: Not really.
>> Angels: No.
>> Ghosts: No.
>> UFO's: No.
>> God: No.

>> Do you ever wish you had another name? No.
>> Do you like anyone? Yes.
>> Which one of your friends acts the most like you? I don't think any do.
>> Who have you known the longest of your friends: I don't know.
>> Who's the loudest: Maria.
>> Who's the shyest: Probably me.
>> Are you close to any family members?: Not as close as I use to be.
>> Who's the weirdest?: I don't know.
>> Who do you go to for stuff? What?
>> Who do you hang out with the most? Well that's a no-brainer if I ever saw one.
>> When you cried the most: I don't know.
>> Worst Feeling: Self-loathing.
>> What time is it now? 9.22pm.
1. Kissed your cousin: No.
2. Ran away: As a child, probably.
3. Pictured your crush naked: Not as such.
4. Skipped school: Yes.
5. Broken someone's heart: Possibly.
6. Been in love: Yes.
7. Cried when someone died: Yes.
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yes.
10. Done something embarrasing: Yes.
11. Done a drug: No.
12. Cried in school: Yes.
13. Coke or Pepsi: Either.
14. Sprite or 7UP: Either.
15. Girls or Guys: Guys.
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: Scruff! But not too much.
18. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes.
19. Bitchy or Slutty: I'd rather be a bitch than a slut.
20. Tall or Short: Tall.
21. Pants or Shorts: Pants.
22. Night or Day: Night.
23. What do you notice first: It depends.
24. Last person you slow danced with: Never really have.
25. Worst Question To Ask: I don't know.

26. Showered: This morning.
27. Stepped outside: About an hour ago.
28. Had Sex: I haven't, yet.
29. Romantic memory: The last time I romantic memory? What?

30. Your Good Luck Charm: I don't have one.
31. Person You Hate Most: Myself at the moment, I think.
32. Best Thing That Has Happened: March 10. No... February 17.
33. On your desk: Benjamin's DS.
34. Picture on your desktop: A photo.
35. Color: Green.
36. Movie: I don't know.
37. Artist: I'm going to take this more literally, and say Caravaggio. I don't have a favourite musician/band; there are too many.
38. Cars: --
39. Ice Cream: Mango sorbet.
40. Season: Spring.
41. Breakfast Food: Toast.

42. Makes you laugh the most: That's not really a fair question, 'cause I don't spend a lot of time with many people.
43. Makes you smile: Benjamin.
44. Can make you feel better no matter what: As above.
45. Has A Crush On You: I don't know.
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Not a crush.
47. Who Has it easier? Girls or Guys: I'd say guys, but that's just 'cause I've spent most of the week on painkillers due to cramps.

49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: No.
50. Save MSN conversations: Yes.
51. Save E-mails: Yes.
52. Forward secret E-mails: No.
53. Wish you were someone else: Not someone else, per se, but that I had different qualities...
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: No.
55. Wear cologne: Perfume.
56. Kiss: Yes.
57. Cuddle: Yes.
58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: No.

59. Fallen for your best friend?: No.
60. Made out with JUST a friend?: No.
61. Kissed two people in the same day?: No.
62 Had sex with two different people in the same day?: No.
63. Been rejected: Yes.
64. Been in love?: Am in love.
65. Been in lust?: Possibly.
66. Used someone?: I hope not.
67. Been used?: Probably. High probability, in fact.
68. Cheated on someone?: No.
69. Been cheated on?: Not that I know of (I seriously doubt it).
70. Been kissed?: Yes.
71. Done something you regret?: Yes.

72. You touched?: Mum.
73. You talked to?: Mum.
74. You hugged?: Mum.
75. you instant messaged?: Benjamin.
76. You kissed?: Benjamin.
77. You yelled at?: I don't really yell.
78. You thought about? Oh, who do you think?
79. Who text messaged you?: Benjamin.
80. Who broke your heart?: --
81. who told you they loved you?: This is starting to get repetetive...

*****DO YOU...
82. Color your hair? Yes.
83. Have tattoos?: No.
84. Have piercings?: No.
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes.
86. Own a webcam?: No.
87. Own a thong?: Yes.
88. Ever get off the damn computer? Yes.
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: No.
90. Habla espanol?: No.
91. Quack?: What?

92. Stolen anything?: No.
93. Smoke?: No.
94. Schizophrenic?: No.
95. Obsessive?: A bit.
96. Compulsive?: Maybe?
97. Obsessive compulsive?: A bit, maybe.
98. Panic?: Occasionally.
99. Anxiety?: Sometimes.
100. Depressed?: Have been, possibly some form of it at the moment. Feeling like shit, anyway.
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