all done with Ang. Spoilers Ahead
me: Holy fuck and huh to Maya
her: Srsly! I want Sylar back. Peters a badass. And Claire and West should just get it on already.
me: I know! But the adverts had him so maybe? !!! The brother!
her: Mrah. I dig the curse thing, but it's a little cliche. I love HRG. It just keeps getting better.
her: I bet its mr petrelli.
me: I love angela. And no more beard please nathan
me: OMG! this be good. And when was it established that that was the sign of the law firm? MSN?
IMs (Pretty blue smurf pills = me)
8:53:19 PM Kathryn: omg
8:53:31 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: (sorry i can't text that fast)
8:53:31 PM Kathryn: Maya/Alejandro = kinda cool
8:53:33 PM Kathryn: Peter = badass
8:53:35 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: dur
8:53:45 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: maya=death, alejandro=life?
8:53:47 PM Kathryn: The boogey man (who I think is mr petrelli) socks
8:53:50 PM Kathryn: rocks my socks*
8:53:55 PM Kathryn: That was my thought
8:54:07 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: it might be
8:54:31 PM Kathryn: Hiro's his own hero.. I totally saw that one coming
8:54:52 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: i figured as much the minute we saw that it was sark
8:55:21 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: wrong person to give the sword to!!!
8:55:49 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: Hiro, your very own AA rep :)
8:56:02 PM Kathryn: Hiro, you dumbass
8:56:17 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: you don't pull an arrow out the way it came in!
8:56:22 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: you push it thru
8:56:29 PM Kathryn: Not if it's barely in the chest
8:56:32 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: WTF!
8:56:35 PM Kathryn: You're more likely to puncture a lung and shit
8:56:36 PM Kathryn: OMG
8:56:40 PM Kathryn: WHAT A PIMP
8:56:56 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: claire's great great great, etc, granddaddy
8:56:59 PM Kathryn: rofl
8:57:09 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: it so is and you know it :P
8:57:19 PM Kathryn: It's cool that they're showing some people have the same powers now
8:57:27 PM Kathryn: Instead of trying to come up with something new for EVERYONE
8:57:33 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: but it makes everyone think that they're related now
8:57:40 PM Kathryn: West + Nathan fly
8:58:02 PM Kathryn: the haitia
8:58:08 PM Kathryn: YEAH
8:58:16 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: apparently Angela and Matt can read minds
8:58:22 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: yay! Hatian!
8:58:29 PM Kathryn: I don't think she can read it
8:58:36 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: haha salt in the wound for Mr Muggles
8:58:41 PM Kathryn: I think she just can sense it
8:58:45 PM Kathryn: Dunno
8:58:51 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: maybe
8:59:06 PM Kathryn: don't do it
8:59:07 PM Kathryn: don't do it
8:59:10 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: shes gonna cut off a toe!
8:59:11 PM Kathryn: omfg
8:59:16 PM Kathryn: omgomgomgomgogm
8:59:18 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: rofl!
8:59:20 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: omgomg
8:59:24 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: crunch
8:59:27 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: ew!!!!
8:59:28 PM Kathryn: not okay
8:59:30 PM Kathryn: not okay
8:59:40 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: OMG!
8:59:47 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: sh'e a lizard
8:59:52 PM Kathryn: omfg
9:00:17 PM Kathryn: look up
9:00:18 PM Kathryn: look up
9:00:22 PM Kathryn: damnit
9:00:24 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: hey look! crazy stalker left me a book!
9:00:25 PM Kathryn: >_<
9:00:31 PM Kathryn: paOHgiozehrgioweah
9:00:31 PM Kathryn: om
9:00:35 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: it can't be over!
9:00:39 PM Kathryn: kopseopijergipserhh
9:00:40 PM Kathryn: SYL:AR
9:00:45 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: whooT! MICAH!
9:00:52 PM Kathryn: omg
9:00:56 PM Kathryn: opadgjeoiprhjphjo
9:00:57 PM Kathryn: UGH
9:00:59 PM Kathryn: Anyway
9:01:01 PM Kathryn: back to Castle
9:01:06 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: it can't be over :(
9:01:11 PM Pretty blue smurf pills: have fun!
9:01:24 PM Kathryn: <3
omg is all i can say. awesome. can next week get here sooner?