Title: If only Pairing: Sakurai Sho & Aiba Masaki Length: Ficlet Rating: PG13 Genre: angst, character death Disclaimer: I don’t own Sakuraiba. Just the plot. ____________________________________________________________
Why do this kind of things to myself? I know I can't handle angst fic, and it's written here, and yet I clicked. I'm so stupid xD (I didn't read the other one and I wanted to know how you write angst, that's why)
They could have started a live with each other or something D: or at least talk about it over a cafe ;-;
(Ok, at least I'll recognize I'm happy that they died together, even if they didn't knew each other)
And OMG I'm so no updating either msn or skype. I've been using an old version of msn like forever and it's been nagging me to change it for years (because I didn't change to that last one, I'm using like the last that seemed like the msn we all loved and knew) and knowing that updating skype is going to uninstall msn I won't update that one either.
If there's people still using Windows XP I can still use this, microsoft you whore D:
Can I do something to cheer you up? :3 Anything, really :D
Sorry for the angst. xD or.. my depression. It's just really convenient when you're in that mood.. and I can distract myself with writing stuff like that
And well.. yeah don't update it. Really.. don't. It sucks so much. I always complained about the new versions of msn.. I regret it now. x__x
aw, that's really sweet of you but I guess it'll be okay tomorrow again.. well not the msn problem (sob) but my mood in general (:
No, sweetie, never be sorry about that. Neither writing angst (even less if it helps you to feel better!) or sulking! That's why we(I, at least) are here! ♥
(You can try to install an earlier version of msn on your computer, I think. There should be some around?)
You're so sweet and nice and understanding and just :3 thank you ❤ I just installed the old messenger.. And everything is okay now. I don't know for how long it will last but I am just happy that I have the old one again. Ah :')
It's sad, but this is the first Sakuraiba oneshot/series/drabble whose both of them had the same fate (the most I read or Masaki or Sho has the tragical final). (Sorry for the short comment, but I love your fics.)
Comments 11
They could have started a live with each other or something D: or at least talk about it over a cafe ;-;
(Ok, at least I'll recognize I'm happy that they died together, even if they didn't knew each other)
And OMG I'm so no updating either msn or skype. I've been using an old version of msn like forever and it's been nagging me to change it for years (because I didn't change to that last one, I'm using like the last that seemed like the msn we all loved and knew) and knowing that updating skype is going to uninstall msn I won't update that one either.
If there's people still using Windows XP I can still use this, microsoft you whore D:
Can I do something to cheer you up? :3 Anything, really :D
And well.. yeah don't update it. Really.. don't. It sucks so much. I always complained about the new versions of msn.. I regret it now. x__x
aw, that's really sweet of you but I guess it'll be okay tomorrow again.. well not the msn problem (sob) but my mood in general (:
and sorry for sulking by the way >__<
(You can try to install an earlier version of msn on your computer, I think. There should be some around?)
❤❤❤ (:
(The comment has been removed)
thank you for reading :*
but i love it >_<
thank you for sharing...^^
(Sorry for the short comment, but I love your fics.)
in the end I didn't want to leave one behind.. for me they'll always be together.. even if it's a bit tragic haha
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