Title: By your side
Pairing: Sakurai Sho & Aiba Masaki
Length: One Shot
Rating: PG
Genre: fluff, slight angst (but really just a bit :P)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Sakuraiba. Just the plot.
Note: This One Shot contains little facts from the AnShi episode with Kaga Takeshi. So be aware if you don’t want to be spoiled. I wrote a little summary for those
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Comments 21
Sho is so cute with his secret crush on Aiba amd Aiba is so cute for go direct to Sho... So sad about his collapse
You can do a sequel abut this fic!! what will happened after Aiba's confesion... <3.<3
Thanks for your hard work and waiting for more and sorry for commenting soooo late!!^^
nevermind about commenting a bit later.. I am glad you did anyways ^///^ :D thank you for reading ne <3
But the part where Aiba pulled Sho aside to let him know before he collapsed was... Aww... *touched*
But if I'm wrong I've seen an episode where he showed a face that looks as though he winced in pain... The camera was already focused on the aniki who was mitz mangrove-san? They were wearing hawaiian-like shirts at that time. But u can see him at the corner of the frame where he hit his chest and said something to... Riida? If I'm not wrong... It's during the part where the aniki did the lip-synching karaoke-thing...
thank you for reading !(:
thank you for reading!!
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thank you for reading and commenting (:
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