So I ran into someone interesting on the way to the library last night...
Laiqalassë: There are a lot of orcs about and such.
Elfwine: I could go for that
Elfwine: I haven't really had to do that yet but in theory I know what to do
Elfwine: I mean we're prety safe in Edoras these days
Laiqalassë: In... theory? We're talking Morgoth's own creations here. You are going to get yourself killed if you don't know what you're doing.
Elfwine: In theory meaning I've been trained in how to handle weapons and I have an idea how tall they are and I know where to strike at least in my head
Laiqalassë: *facepalm* I guess that's a start.
Elfwine: I think as long as I didn't like...snap under pressure
Elfwine: I can see where that's a huge problem
Laiqalassë: Slightly, yes. Especially when you're outnumbered 30 to 1.
Elfwine: *nods*
Elfwine: and being a Human
Laiqalassë: That really doesn't help, you're all so breakable.
Elfwine: Oh yeah
Laiqalassë: Do you have armour, at least? Or maybe a legendary weapon, since men who have those seem to live longer?
Elfwine: I have armor. I dont know how you feel about mostly leather but its traditional and my people seem to have done okay with it before. Nothing legendary for weapons though
Laiqalassë: Maybe we can just pick off little groups of orcs, until you get used to it? What weapons are you trained in?
Elfwine: broadsword and longbow and I can use a dagger
Laiqalassë: And I'm trained in sling, club, and spear though I can use a short sword in a pinch. So that, at least, is a nice balance.
Elfwine: that's good *nodding*
Laiqalassë: What do you know about field first aid?
Elfwine: How to bind wounds mostly
Laiqalassë: Any experience with poison? Most of Morgoth's filth seems to use it these days.
Elfwine: None actually
Laiqalassë: That could be a problem.
Elfwine: I could learn I think. Well I can't read elvish but
Laiqalassë: I could teach you. Both about the poisons and Elvish. Do you want to learn Quenyan or Sindarin?
Elfwine: Whatever is going to be more useful here to start I think
Laiqalassë: Right. Both then. The scribes are still working on translating much of the older Quenyan scrolls to Sindarin
Elfwine: Okay *nods* I'm willing to give that a try
Laiqalassë: We can probably combine lessons - teach you to read from medical scrolls and such. What do you know of the history of the war with Morgoth?
Elfwine: Not a lot. Um Silmaril grabby fighting among the Feanorians and their relatives
Laiqalassë: Okay, we'll add history scrolls to the ones you need to learn from. You do know the Feanorians are probably around somewhere, yes? And the Fingolfinians are currently the rulers.
Elfwine: *nodding* Oh yeah. That part was sort of obvious
Laiqalassë: Just making sure. Some humans are a little clueless when it comes to the Elven monarchies
Elfwine: well I mean I've been listening here. OTherwise that WOULD be me
Laiqalassë: It's never safe to live in ignorance. Though we can pretend. Like I pretend to ignore when Lord Fingon comes to our house for the obvious reasons of sleeping with my cousin.
Elfwine: >.> Oh I'm okay at pretending some things. Like I pretend to have no idea what my parents are talking about when they say it bothers them that I don't socialize with people my age
Laiqalassë: What's your age?
Elfwine: But I know perfectly well that those people are just wankers. Eighteen
Laiqalassë: You are... *attempts to work it out* ...a few centuries younger than me, at any rate.
Elfwine: You elves *laughs* I think I'm younger than just about everyone here
Laiqalassë: Only physically. Mentally, I'm fairly certain there's a few you could get along with. We may live longer but we mature much slower. Much MUCH slower, in some cases.
Elfwine: Hopefully this works out. It's nicer here than it was where I came from. I mean I don't feel out of place *idly tugs at his hair*
Laiqalassë: But you were with family before, no? How could you feel out of place there?
Elfwine: Oh my father and I don't really get along. He's so...*shakes head* Unlike me in every way. I mean we don't really battle things out, more silently irritate the other person. My mother is okay I guess, just usually doing her queen things *shrug* and I'm..pretty much unlike the people my age in Rohan and there's no letting me forget that. It can get irritating.
Laiqalassë: Oh, yeah, though even those sorts of things you can start to miss, in time. My parents are dead.
Elfwine: *nods* I figure because its still new to me it hasnt occured to me to miss anything yet. I'm sure I will at some point. Well them. Probably not ROHAN. I'm sorry to hear that
Laiqalassë: Sometimes we surprise ourselves. You may miss them, you may miss your land. Rohan, is it? I don't think I've heard of it. And you shouldn't be surprised to hear a number of elves here let you know about some relative or other that's died. Coming to Arda was a dangerous thing to do. We lost a large number.
Elfwine: *nodding* It's...well I'm not sure geographically but it would be a ways from here. I don't think it has been established yet at this point in time.
Laiqalassë: Oh. Are you another one of these ones that has randomly appeared? I think the Valar have managed to mess something up. It's a little scary.
Elfwine: That would be me yeah. That IS scary. I mean I never thought things like that went wrong before
Laiqalassë: I wonder if maybe this is all Morgoth's doing, somehow. It would be like him to think of something to put us off our guard like this. Though I don't think it would be to his advantage to give us more allies.
Elfwine: that IS weird. Maybe it backfired on him
Laiqalassë: Maybe. I certainly can't claim to know the minds of the Valar. Do you think he cause the strange... substances from the fountains in the king's square, as well?
Elfwine: I think that those are meant to be some sort of a gift from Eru
Elfwine:if it was Morgorth wouldn't they be bringing things and destruction?
Laiqalassë: They scare me. Aside from the little colourful things. Those taste rather good. Kind of like fruit with a lot of sugar.
Laiqalassë: Yeah, I would figure that would be more like Morgoth. Or darkness, he's big on that.
Elfwine: *nodding* something not so...benign.
Laiqalassë: It could be a trick to catch us off guard, but I don't know if he even has the power to do that sort of thing. So that leaves us asking what's going on with Eru?
Elfwine: I guess it DOES really
Laiqalassë: Really, though, I'm not terribly worried. These things tend to work themselves out.
Elfwine: Oh yeah. Or we're given ways to fix them
Laiqalassë: Blessings often come disguised in strange ways.
Elfwine: *nods* That's true. And things happen for reasons and all.
Laiqalassë: I guess as long as we're not dead, it's not worth worrying about.
Elfwine: Works for me
Laiqalassë: Aye. Just find something you enjoy doing with your time, and try not to piss off any Feanorians
Elfwine: Good advice
Laiqalassë: I'm wise enough to have learned from others' mistakes, at least.
And then, this morning, Ame pounced me. I should have known my peace and quiet was too good to be true!
Laiqalassë: *reading quietly*
Améniel: *sneaks up, pounces*
Laiqalassë: *laughs and tilts his head to look at her* Hullo, little girl. What can I do for you?
Améniel: Don't call me little, I'm only 2 years younger than you! *settles herself to sit in his lap*
Laiqalassë: Perhaps, but you are a tiny slip of a thing, so I feel justified in calling you little.
Améniel: Oh. So you don't think I look fat then?
Laiqalassë: Should I? *pokes her belly* You don't seem to have gained any weight since the last time I saw you.
Améniel: Good. *rests her head against his shoulder* But please don't poke me like that.
Laiqalassë: You not feeling ok, Ame? *rests a hand on her forehead* You feel a little warm.
Améniel: I don't know. I feel like I've been shagged by Morgoth himself, though I didn't even spend the night with Fingon.
Laiqalassë: Oh? What did you do, little girl?
Améniel: I don't know, Lailai. I'm scared. IthinkImightbekindofalittlepregnant.
Laiqalassë: *blinks* What? *tilts her head up to meet his eyes* You're usually smarter than that.
Améniel: I... *tears up* I don't know for sure, yet. But there have been little signs here and there and I really wish there was some sort of test for this sort of thing other than waiting for a few more weeks so I could actually know.
Laiqalassë: Oh, it's ok, Ame. It is. *hugs her close, tucking her head under his chin*
Améniel: *crying* What if I am pregnant Lailai? I'm going to get all fat and stuff and then people won't let me play in trees anymore and ada will be mad and Fingon's ada will force us to get married!
Laiqalassë: I'm sure it won't be bad. *soothes* Uncle Galdor won't get mad at you. I think he'd like a grandchild. And I thought you wanted to marry Fingon?
Améniel: I do want to marry Fingon, maybe, eventually, but not because his ada forced us to.
Laiqalassë: Ah, that does make sense. What does he think of this possible pregnancy?
Améniel: Umn. I don't know. I didn't ask him.
Laiqalassë: Don't you think that you probably should?
Améniel: Maybe. >.>
Laiqalassë: Ame...
Améniel: >.> Idon'twanthimtoknowI'mpregnant.
Laiqalassë: Why not?
Améniel: That thing with his ada?? And I don't see the point when I'm not completely sure yet.
Laiqalassë: But you're fairly certain?
Améniel: If I am, it's maybe 2 weeks, tops. So there's no definite way to tell. Like I said, my body is just being kind of weird. Maybe I'm just sick or something?
Laiqalassë: Most Elvenkin don't get sick, Ame. Not under usual circumstances, anyway.
Améniel: I don't know, ok! I don't want to be pregnant! I'm not ready to be a parent!
Laiqalassë: Am... shhh... *hugs her* Like you said, you're not even sure if you are. Why don't we wait until you know for certain before you start worrying?
Améniel: Ok, Lailai. *nuzzles into his hug* Lailai? I don't want to stay inside today. Want to go climbing in the Echoriath with me?
Laiqalassë: *smiles at her sudden change in mood* Sure, I would love to. Are you going to wear shoes this time?
Améniel: For mountain climbing? Eru no! Bare feet help me grip the rocks better.
Laiqalassë: Right. Let me change into something a bit better for climbing, then, and we'll go.
Améniel: *nods* Ok, meet you by the main city gate in half hour. *grins* I'll bring the ropes.
So, I'm off for some mountain climbing! Elfwine? We will have to meet up at some point for our other plans.