I've decided to be annoying/helpful by partitioning the entirety of today's long entry into three sections for your convenience/personal aggravation. Enjoy.
I bombed the organic chemistry quiz, totally and completely. The stupid mistakes truly add up. I can't afford to do poorly at all in chemistry and that's exactly what I *am* doing.
I seriously need to start reading 'Lord of the Flies' for English class. We're supposed to finish the book tonight, and I'm way back at chapter 5. Sorry William Goldman, but you've written a truly boring book. Stupid little boys will be stupid little boys. There's enough of that in real life than to have to read about it. I wish that we were reading the other (much MUCH better) 'Lord of the' book instead. =P
I've got the speaking part of my Spanish regents this Friday, first period. X_X Normally, I wouldn't be worried, but now I've got Ms. Siotkis as a teacher and that's as good a reason as any to worry. I wish that I had Ms. Canestraro back. All my knowledge of Spanish evaporated when she left. I also wish that I hadn't lost the verb list she gave us.
I have a math and a chemistry test tomorrow. It's wonderful how both teachers seem to enjoy coordinating their test on the exact same day. Just what I need. My two least favorite subjects torturing me 3 periods in a row. On top of that, I lost my calculator a week or two ago so I've been borrowing Amita's. Damn expensive TI-86. If it didn't cost so much money, (and if Amita wouldn't kill me) I'd throw it in the trash.
On to the good stuff.
It's official. Andrei is undisputedly the best boyfriend in the Universe. Want to know why? Because he went to an EB Games store that is being sneaky and bought me the Return of the King theatrical dvd. As in, the dvd that isn't supposed to come out until next Tuesday. He only bought one, just for me, not for himself. When the one I preordered ages and ages ago finally comes next week, I'm giving it to him. Andrei, you've truly made my day/week/life. In my opinion, it was absolutely courageous of you to do that. If I were the one buying the dvd, I probably would have cracked and opened it and watched it fifty times before handing it over. >_< Thanks for sacrificing that opportunity for me. <3 Don't worry, you can come over this weekend to watch it. As a matter of fact, so can everybody I know who can fit into my house. Perhaps I'll make a trilogy screening out of it. =D So far, I've watched the entire 2nd dvd of extra goodness.
There's going to be a drinking game between Legolas and Gimli in Rohan!!! There was a teeny clip...and oh man it made me laugh so hard!
Legolas- *skeptically* So...it's a drinking game...
*Rohirrim drinking and laughing boisterously in the backround*
Legolas- And what exactly is the point of it?
Gimli- Last one standing wins!
*Legolas takes a careful sip of his drink*
[insert giggle fit here]
There really wasn't anything about the EE dvd at all, but if you paid careful attention you could spot a few things. There were some shots of Frodo and Sam at the Crossroads with orc graffiti all over the statues. There was also this shot that could've been missed in the blink of an eye that looks suspiciously like a Aragorn/Arwen wedding scene. There was also this scene in which Eowyn is lying on a couch in what looks like Rohan. She looks either sick or uber-depressed. And Aragorn is comforting her. She has this look on her face that says 'Shag me.' Sorry, but it's there. =P That's all I can remember for now.
In other happyful news, Ken Magazine is completed and will be out in a few weeks. Poetry Appreciation Day (PAD Day) will be held and I'll hopefully brainwash the school once again with a mixture of carefully selected poetry. Heh. There are very good chances that next year I'll be Managing Editor of Ken. Yeah-hea! Seems like that's the only thing that I'm good at.
I've been writing a Frodo and Sam fic during all my boring classes at school (all of them, basically) since last Friday. It was originally written to cheep up Kim *hugs*, but I've kept going with it. [cue maniacal laughter]
Finally, in stage combat we are finally up to rapier work. As in swords. As in GUH!!!!! If you have a free 9th period, drop by the Little Theater to watch us slice each other up. ^_^
'Tis now time to study for math and chem. :sigh: The sooner I study, the sooner I can finish RoTK. =]