I went to the show after all.
I bought a shirt.
So I can't hang out with ash-b anymore..besides school.
that really sucks...
thats all,really.
besides the questions I answered bellow
1. name: Manda
2. birthday: Jan 26
3. sign: Aquarious (cant spell)
4. age: 15
5. sex: female
6. location: Valparaiso Indiana
7. school: Tjms
8. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
9. do you love them: i dont have anyone to love
10. have you ever loved anyone: not really
11. have you ever made out with someone: ehh..no :(
12. are you loopy: what?
13. have you ever broken any bones: nope
14. if so, which ones: none
15. who is your best girl friend: sarah,kelly,others
16. who is your best guy friend: Brad,Jeremy,BRIAN(heh)..and others
17. Who have you talked to on the phone for the longest
amount of time?: Nate
18. do you have a crush: yes, yes i do
19. what are their names: cant tell
20. do they like you: someone told me they did before..idk about now
21. do you sleep with one pillow or two: 7, just like kelly!
22. do you like coffee: no
23. if not, how come: im not sure
24. what is the longest you have went out with someone: month and 1/2
25. do you regret it: no?
26. do you want to get married? no
Last Time you:
27. cried? yesterday
28. gotten in major trouble? 3 weeks ago
29. cut your hair? like 3 weeks ago
30. ate a meal? 1 day ago
31. hugged someone? week ago
32. kissed someone? uhh long time ago
33. made a new friend? 2 weeks ago
34. lost something? today
35. let's say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next week but you can pick the person but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life no getting out of it, who would you pick? that would suck...i'd have to go with a friend that I knew and get along with. I'd prolly pick Harold..?..But what if he doesnt agree with that..then what? btw I dont want to get married.
36. who do you have a crush on: I tld you..I cant tell
37. have you ever gone out with them: I wish
38. have you ever kissed them: no....
39. do you wanna kiss them: :)
40. what is the farthest you have gone with a guy/girl: stop making fun of me :(
Who was the last person you:
41: kissed: ..he who must not be named
42: Hugged: umm Sarah B.
43: Talked to on the phone: Brian
43: Tickled: sarah/brian
44: went out with: Bj
45: made fun of: heh..Bianca in a nice way
46: were mad at: Nate
- btw are you over it?: yes..
47: talked to on AIM: Heather
48: talked to on the phone at 3:00AM: nate...
49: person who made you laugh real hard: sarah
50: killed: ..umm
For the weirdos who wont tell their crush:
51: can you tell me what color hair they have?: um..blonde..?
52: Older than 16?: no....
53: good friend of yours?: um, not really
54: why wont you tell your crush?: because I don't need people knowing right now.
55: color eyes?: im not sure
56: does he/she know you?: im pretty sure they do
57: IS IT A GIRL?: no
58: IS IT A BOY?: woah..you're smart
the end