I have finished "The Great Crash'!
I set myself a goal of reading 5 books with Edu-tainment value this term. I have now read 3, and Reading week starts Friday. I think my goal will be highly attainable.
1. ?? (I wrote it done, but I recycled the paper it was on. I think I gave it to Becky)
2. Outliers by M Gladwell
3. The Great Crash by S. Parker
(To Read Still)
4.The Subprime Solution by Shiller
5. The Affluent Society by Galbraith/Animal Spirits by Akerlof and Shiller
(Also on my to read list)
Development Economics
Dead Aid
Then all I have left are my GIANT TOMES. Seriously, they're all more than an inch thick. There's eight of them, and I'm not counting "Theories of Games and Economic Behavior", which after trying to read once scares me. The math in it goes over my head. It's fourth year Math major stuff.
Also got 2 books purely for fun: The Standforth Secret by Jo Beverely & Enchanted Glass by DW Jones.