Title: Fighting Destiny (2/?) Pairing: Sakumiya, Sakuraiba, Matsumiya Genre: AU, Romance Summary: You may curse your destiny, but true love may come with it Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own them :(
Of coooooooooooooooooourse I liked it. I was suffering along with this rejected Nino. Poor Sho, he might have no idea of the deep impression he made on the younger... And this Matsumiya is sooooooooo kawaii... I will expect anxiously for your update!
So happy you like it, It's my second fic and I still have doubts about writing, never imagined that I would do it Yeah, Jun is cute here and wait to see what's coming Thanks dear :D
Comments 21
For once, im glad i cld access internet thru my hp.. Hahaha
Woots, matsumiya moments... <3<3<3 i always feel this pairing is v sweet... heez..
i cant wait for e next ^^
Just a couple of days for the next
I wanna know where this is going though I feel bad for poor nino and his unrequited love
Thanks for commenting
still Nino is confused about Sho incident, things are getting more complicated...it seems.
About Sho, uhm... I'm still a little torn
BTW, love your image, so Nino-ish
Thanks for reading :D
thanks...i have the same bratty side as Nino ^^
I'm not a brat but I love one (Nxxx) ;)
I was suffering along with this rejected Nino.
Poor Sho, he might have no idea of the deep impression he made on the younger...
And this Matsumiya is sooooooooo kawaii...
I will expect anxiously for your update!
Yeah, Jun is cute here and wait to see what's coming
Thanks dear :D
so cute when jun was around...i hope things will work.hehe...
well, it will depend on your story.
will wait for nxt chap~
tnx for d story...
It's nice to have feedback and knowing people like what you write :D
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