Title: Fighting Destiny (3/?) Pairing: Sakumiya, Sakuraiba, Matsumiya Genre: AU, Romance Summary: You may curse your destiny, but true love may come with it Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own them :(
love it dear:) well before we get to sad chap just gonna enjoy their lovey dovey moments.and what is it with sho chan??it,s ok for him to have a boy friend but not with jun ? errrgh that,s kind of selfish
Enjoy the Matsumiya moments About Sho, I don't want to ruin what is gonna happen but let me tell you that he cares more for Nino than he lets know ;) Thank you for commenting, you were the first!
Is tis gg to turn into a love triangle? Gt a feeling tt sho is gg to confess LOL..den i feel bad for Aiba.. Then jun wld be heartbroken.. Nino wld be torn... Ahhhhh..
Hmm.. But nino seems to be unsure in his feelings.. O.o
Ahh, and i feel his uncle.. Hmm nt gg to be a easy person to handle..??
Uwahh... Cant wait to see wad wil unfold.. seems my comments is getting long.. =x
It's ok if they are long :) that means that you really like the story, I'm so happy for that About the triangle, it seems that doesn't it? Thanks for commenting :D
:D love it, sorry i haven't commented on the other chapters,>.< jun is so sweet, nino too :D... i can't wait to find out what's going on with sho-chan.. thanks for sharing ^.^
Glad you like it! I love your fics so much! At first I didn't think Jun would be that sweet, but it turned out that way About Sho, it's gonna be a while to know, and I'm torn because I love Sho so much too :(
I'm reallu curious now xD Sho is acting quite peculiar....Is he in love with Nino ? I hope not D8 Poor Aiba!
Matsumiya is SO cute! And I'm happy for Riida(s guidance :DDD
Why was MatsuJun crying ?...Is it because of Sho, he told himtostop loving Nino ? Is it because of his parents ? Or something else (I'm trying to find with the title but only tragic things came to my mind DX ...Even if the end would be a happy ending)
I love how Nino was able here to enjoy his time with MatsuJun, how he show how much the younger man (does he know MatsuJun is younger ? XD Even though by two months. This seems to be the sort of things he would love to tease him with x) helped him ...And now how much he helps him... Thank you for this ^^
Wow, so many questions! I can't answer all, it would ruin what is coming, but it's ok if I tell you that Jun was crying for family's problems. I haven't got to there yet but I know what it is and it won't come in the way to their relationship, hope that this help you a little Ohmiya friendship is so nice right? I always see them more than friends than lovers ;) The age doesn't matter in the Matsumiya couple but you gave me an idea to insert it in the fic, hope I can, i would want to be funny Thanks for your comment :D Next chapter will be soon posted
i'm enjoying it!!! and totally loving matsumiya here!!! i want nino to be honest w/ jun... i think he really likes him more than sho... and i know that jun knows nino like sho b4.... hehe... hoping for more matsumiya scene!!! especially on their trip!
You'll be happy then for in the next chapter is mooore Matsumiya moments I'm just in the middle of the trip where things get... interesting. But it's so difficult to write so much drama, that i'm going slow to not ruin it Thank you for reading and commenting
Comments 27
About Sho, I don't want to ruin what is gonna happen
but let me tell you that he cares more for Nino than he lets know ;)
Thank you for commenting, you were the first!
Is tis gg to turn into a love triangle? Gt a feeling tt sho is gg to confess LOL..den i feel bad for Aiba.. Then jun wld be heartbroken.. Nino wld be torn... Ahhhhh..
Hmm.. But nino seems to be unsure in his feelings.. O.o
Ahh, and i feel his uncle.. Hmm nt gg to be a easy person to handle..??
Uwahh... Cant wait to see wad wil unfold.. seems my comments is getting long.. =x
About the triangle, it seems that doesn't it?
Thanks for commenting :D
At first I didn't think Jun would be that sweet, but it turned out that way
About Sho, it's gonna be a while to know, and I'm torn because I love Sho so much too :(
Matsumiya is SO cute! And I'm happy for Riida(s guidance :DDD
Why was MatsuJun crying ?...Is it because of Sho, he told himtostop loving Nino ? Is it because of his parents ? Or something else (I'm trying to find with the title but only tragic things came to my mind DX ...Even if the end would be a happy ending)
I love how Nino was able here to enjoy his time with MatsuJun, how he show how much the younger man (does he know MatsuJun is younger ? XD Even though by two months. This seems to be the sort of things he would love to tease him with x) helped him ...And now how much he helps him...
Thank you for this ^^
Ohmiya friendship is so nice right? I always see them more than friends than lovers ;)
The age doesn't matter in the Matsumiya couple but you gave me an idea to insert it in the fic, hope I can, i would want to be funny
Thanks for your comment :D
Next chapter will be soon posted
i want nino to be honest w/ jun...
i think he really likes him more than sho...
and i know that jun knows nino like sho b4....
hoping for more matsumiya scene!!!
especially on their trip!
tnx for d story!!!
I'm just in the middle of the trip where things get... interesting. But it's so difficult to write so much drama, that i'm going slow to not ruin it
Thank you for reading and commenting
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