Title: Fighting Destiny (7/?)
Pairing: Sakumiya, Sakuraiba, Matsumiya
Genre: AU, Romance
Summary: You may curse your destiny, but true love may come with it
Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own them :(
Previous Chapter This time Jun woke up first but didn’t make a move to get up, he just stayed there lying next to Nino, who was still peaceful sleeping, he couldn’t help but just to admire him, remembering what happened last night. It was all like a dream and he didn’t want to wake up.; Kazu said he loves him, and even if he doubted to say it, Jun knew. He felt it in the way he kissed him back and surrendered under him, he saw it in his beautiful eyes and the way they looked at him, he felt it in his touches and in his voice calling his name. He felt it all.
All the worries about Sho seemed to diminish, at least the fear of losing Kazu was vanishing, but the fear of seeing his lover get hurt was still there. Now the development of their story depends on no other that his cousin. Keeping quiet or speak what holds the heart, that’s Sho’s decision.
Jun can hope. Even if that hope is selfish, for it spare Nino of pain and at the same time torture his cousin’s heart. Jun feels guilty yet, he still hopes.
But Jun knows better. He knows its coming. Sho’s words to Nino are indication of that. And Jun will be there, to assure Kazu that none it’s his fault; he’ll be there to hold him in his arms and wash away any guilt that he could felt. Yes, he’ll be there. He breathed deeply still looking at his sleeping boyfriend, silent promise on his head, he caressed one of Nino’s cheeks.
After a few more minutes Nino spoke without opening his eyes “Am I that beautiful that you can’t stop looking at me” surprising Jun.
The younger smiled “I didn’t want to wake you up yet”
“Oh… now you’re being thoughtful, after what you did to me last night” Nino’s eyes were still close but he couldn’t help the blush forming on his cheeks.
Jun worried that Kazu could be in pain. Nino sensed that, and feeling slightly guilty opened his eyes to assure him that he was okay, “Not that I’m complaining” he added with a slight smirk.
Feeling more relaxed, the teasing started “Yeah, I could tell. You were very impatience last night, my love”
Nino’s blush increased “My love? How is it that you keep calling me these names and you…!”
“Me what?” Jun smirked
Nino looked thoughtful “You…I know! Jun-tan!” Nino was the one smirking now.
“It fits!”
“The hell it does!” Jun looked affronted
“Jun-pon?” Offered Nino looking adorable with a pout; he knew Jun was weak to his pouting abilities.
“…Okay, but only my cute boyfriend can call me…that. So you better be careful saying it!”
“Oww, Jun-pon is cute too, blushing like that” Nino poked at his cheeks.
“Men blushed too, you know” Jun murmured.
“Of course they do too, babe” Nino declared.
“Hey! I’m not babe, I’m Jun-pon!” He realized he had fallen in Nino’s trap in his admission and groaned; to make his boyfriend stop laughing at him, he kissed him hard, enjoying the moans he was making. That was until he heard him hiss in pain.
“Kazu, are you okay? Does it hurt too much?” Jun was now frowning, concern and slight guilt showed in his eyes.
“Don’t worry, I’m just a little sore; it’ll pass” he was trying to hide the discomfort but Jun didn’t buy the lie.
He accommodated Nino in a more comfortable before he get up of bed, ignoring his boyfriend’s protest of “Jun-pon! Let’s cuddle!” and left to prepare a warm bath for him. When it was ready he carried Nino bridal style, again ignoring Kazu’s protests, and entered the bathtub with him to wash his body, so lovingly and caring that made Nino’s butterflies on his stomach go crazy.
When he carried him back to the room, no protests were heard. After they were dressed and the sheets were changed, Jun tried to bride Kazu to stay in bed for the rest of the day; of course nothing worked, they both knew it’d be too suspicious, and they didn’t want more of Aiba’s too intimate questions.
During the day, Nino tried not to show the pain on his lower back and he did his best to walk normally, but it seemed that it wasn’t enough he was receiving curious glances from Ohno and Sho. Luckily for him Aiba didn’t notice. He didn’t go with the rest to the beach, “I have to beat the big boss” he had said. Of curse, Jun stayed with him to pamper his little brat of a boyfriend.
Lunch was uneventful, Ohno and Sho were still looking suspiciously at Nino but neither asked and Aiba was still trying to get Sho’s attention. After they were all eaten, the couple was left alone again. All day Jun had been so attentive towards his boyfriend indulging his every whim, witch included cooking hamburgers for dinner. That’s why when Sho returned early to the house, Jun was probably in the supermarket buying what he needed to spoil his Kazu.
The older sat on the couch and after a while he nervously talked. “You love him that much, don’t you?”
It wasn’t really a question, but Nino felt that he should respond anyway. Just to let him know that he wasn’t playing around and was really serious about his cousin. Maybe that’s why he had been so weird, Nino thought.
“Yes, I love Jun” was his final respond.
After hearing Nino’s confirmation, Sho lowered his head to hide his tearing eyes. He knew he had lost his chance months ago and now there is not turning back. He had tried to hold on for so long and now he knows, there’s space for him in Nino’s heart and he is the only one to blame. Nobody else… just him.
“There’s nothing I can do now, uh?” Sho said that more to himself, tears already falling to the ground.
Nino froze on his place when he noticed it, Sho was crying, Why is Sho crying?... Oh God no… Thinking that a sentence, just one sentence from him made Sho break down like that… it was the worst feeling for Nino.
“Sho-kun?” he called for him softly.
He lifted his head to look directly at Nino, to get lost in those beautiful eyes. That’s when Nino saw it, all the emotions Sho had been keeping for himself all this time: anger, jealousy, regret, sorrow, guilt, pain; but the strongest was love. And all that love, was directed at him.
Nino didn’t know what to think, hell, he couldn’t think at all in that moment. So many things flying inside his mind, past feelings of unrequired love, pain and acceptance; bliss and happiness of his love for Jun, his loyalty and friendship towards Aiba; it was too much, definitely too much.
He tried to clear his head, tried to focus, maybe he got it wrong, maybe…
“I love you Nino” were Sho’s sincere words.
And with that Sho killed Nino’s hope of a mistake.
Now it was Nino who lowered his head to avoid looking at Sho any longer. He can’t forgive himself, he had been watching Aiba suffering the past days and he’s the cause for it. He can’t handle that; he needed Jun by his side to tell him that everything it’s just a dream, no! Not a dream, a nightmare. But he knows this is actually happening as he feels the tears rolling down his cheeks.
Apparently Nino’s struggle was so obvious, Sho started apologizing. “I’m sorry Nino”
“Why?” Without looking up, Nino asked.
“W-Why?” Sho repeated the question.
Nino just nodded.
Sho took a big breath before he answered, trying to fight the tears without any luck.
“Why do I love you or why am I telling you now?” it sounded sarcastic but Nino felt the ache on his words. Without waiting a respond he continued.
“I guess I can’t hide it anymore even if I should. It’s hard when all I want is to hold you and take you away from Jun” Nino flinched at the mention of Jun’s name, guilt again in his heart; Sho saw that and added “Don’t worry, I could never do that; for Jun and you, because I know you love each other. I just… I needed to say it. I’ve been keeping these feelings since that day… of the baseball game”
Nino’s head shot up on that, tears stopping for a moment to look at Sho and heard him continue.
“You know, I hate sports, and I wasn’t supposed to be there that day but I’m glad I did” a little smile formed on Sho’s lips “… I liked you from the moment I saw you but in a minute you were gone. Stupid me, I tried to follow you but stopped when I realized what I was doing. So I just left it like that, just a beautiful memory of some stranger who made me smile”
Sho was smiling as he concentrated on those memories. Then he stopped.
“Then Aiba came, he was so nice and bright, I liked him and everything felt good. He told me about his friends, calling you by your nicknames and then, you were in front of me again, this time closer and far at the same time” Sho’s voice was full of regret “I knew then that I haven’t really forgotten about you, but I had to try… for Aiba, so everyday I would tell myself that what I was feeling for you will pass; it had to, right? …What an idiot I was” Sho was crying again.
Nino clearly remembers that day, Aiba’s happy face introducing his boyfriend, Sho’s giving him that smile, he getting his heart crush; that was also the day he met Jun.
“And then, there was Jun… I love him like a brother but every time I saw him getting closer to you I wanted to hit him, to tell him that you’re off limits, but I had no right to do that. I was nothing important to you, just the guy that’s his best friend. Everyday was like a torture, knowing that Jun was in your house, laughing with you, eating with you and getting to meet your family, getting to know secrets that you would never tell me, sleeping in your room. He was doing all the things that I wished I was doing, but I didn’t do anything, I couldn’t”
“Sho-kun…” Nino interrupted “What about Aiba? Do you think it was fair to him to just stay there wai-” Nino’s voice broke down thinking of his foolish but dear friend getting the worst part of all this mess without knowing.
“I tried, I really tried to love him and when-” Sho’s explanation was cut short as Jun returned with bags on his hands. It took him a few seconds to understand what was going on. Nino was about to speak when Sho looking remorseful and still in tears left the room in a hurry.
“Jun…” Nino’s call for Jun was a soft whisper, almost telepathic but it reached his target as Jun dropped his bags and approached Nino to hold his face in his hands, wiping the tears that were there before giving him a brief but tender kiss on the lips.
“It’ll go with him now, okay babe?” Jun said as Nino just stared blankly at him.
“It’s gonna be okay, I promise. Just wait for me Kazu, okay?” He kissed his forehead and lips again before rushing to Sho’s room, leaving Nino dumbfounded.
Jun knows.
To avoid the others, Nino too went to his room. His head felt like it was going to explode in any moment.
Jun knows.
He felt so sick that he threw up in the bathroom; after that he had to lie down.
Jun knows.
He decided to wait there, he’ll wait for Jun. He needs to know everything.
Jun, why didn’t you tell me?
Now you know more of what was going on with Sho, hope you're not dissapointed, I have to rewrote it like three times. There's a little more that will come out in the next chapter and includes Aiba...
Tell me what you think, love to read your comments :D