Title: Beginnings
Pairing: Sam/Mercedes
Rating: PG-13 for a curse word I suppose
Disclaimer: Though I wish I did, I don't own Glee or any of the characters
Word Count: 491
Author’s Notes: Pretty much AU - It's part of a bigger series I'm working on. Unbetaed so all mistakes are mine.
It was awkward being the new kid. Sam actually never had been the new kid before. When he started at his old school he was one of many at the all boy’s school. It was weird for him being a transfer. It was also a little odd being at public school. For years he could hide behind the cover of a uniform but now he had to pick out his own clothes everyday and actually go to school with girls. Not that he was complaining but it was just weird.
He made it through most of his day without much happening. Some people had been pretty cool, he’d already made a few acquaintances with the guys he met on the football team. They were big on loyalty and sticking together so Sam was happy when they invited him to sit with them at lunch. A couple of them were giving him the rundown on McKinley’s hierarchy when he saw her.
A group kids came out and started singing, New York emblazoned on the black t-shirts they were wearing. “Fuck, here comes homo explosion,” One of the guys he was sitting with said. Sam frowned, cocking an eyebrow at the guy. “Dude, it’s Glee Club. They are beyond lame,” another guy explained.
Sam watched them. They were singing that song about New York and Sam was pretty surprised. He wondered if they did stuff like this a lot since no one around him looked particularly impressed. The choral society at his old school would’ve never put on a performance like this. This was actually really cool.
He heard the voice before he saw her. It sent a shiver down his spine and when he finally saw her, he was captivated. She was all curves and dark chocolate skin and her body moved with grace as she danced. Her voice wrapped around him like velvet and Sam could barely stand it. He knew he was hooked when he caught her eye and she held his gaze before the dance steps took her attention.
Later after the last bell rang, Sam saw her at her locker. It took him a minute but he figured it was now or never. “You have a really pretty voice.” He smiled when she looked him. “Today at lunch. I liked your singing.” He knew he probably sounded like an idiot but his brain was having issues working while those brown eyes were staring at him. “I’m Sam.”
“Mercedes,” she said, a smile tugging at her lips. Sam could tell she didn’t really know what to make of him.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mercedes.” He took her hand, pressing a soft kiss to it. His mother had always taught him to be the perfect southern gentleman and he was sure his lessons were doing him good right then. “Have a good afternoon.”
Sam walked away, smile on his face, confident he left a pretty good impression.