
Jan 24, 2005 21:19

Today school was pretty good, my new schedules looks like it is going to turn out to be just fine! maybe a little better... we will see I am going to leave things open and see what happens it is obvious i have no control/effect on anyone or anything so whatever... yea this is kinda changing subjects but that is just how quickly my mood changed. I ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

hartofdetroit January 25 2005, 06:39:19 UTC
Do me a favor: e-mail me all those thoughts and feelings. I don't talk to anyone anymore, so there is no threat.


lalabye4311 January 25 2005, 20:14:49 UTC
ok you asked for it... j/k but it is extremely long


the1nonlynb69 January 26 2005, 00:44:13 UTC
I <3 u

u have no idea how much i fucking hate this world nothing is wroth it anymore i just wanna curl up and die

its all good tho hang in there girl u r the best


lalabye4311 January 26 2005, 00:50:22 UTC
Don't say that, I don't know what I would do if you just curled up and died.

And I am definitly not the best, I am a horriable person... and a horriable friend


I know how u feel bigflirt1310 January 27 2005, 00:51:11 UTC
I know EXACTLY how you feel, I hate change too!!

I dont think you should keep things inside though,you have to tell people things its not fair to urself that things stay bottled up insdie!! Remember im always here to talk too..


Re: I know how u feel lalabye4311 January 28 2005, 23:16:34 UTC
thanx babe


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