For all of you who wanted to know what Saulinho looks's the SOB that hurt my feelings, hahaha...
Just kidding, life goes on. I'm better without him and I don't regret anything...
You know what's funny? I was remembering the first time we went out, we were driving to Somerville and he was going a bit fast and paying attention to what I was saying, then all of a sudden the traffic got really bad outta nowhere and he had to step on the breaks really quickly and his car kinda spun a little bit and made a screetching noise. We almost crashed into the car in front of us. I almost peed and deuced my pants.
So then he started paying really good attention to the traffic and apologized and said that my presence distracts him. So I got really quiet cuz I didn't wanna die and he said, "Why aren't you talking?" and I said, "Because I don't want to distract you." And he said..."It's not your talking that distracts me, it's your presence."
Sigh...but who wants to remember the time when I believed that ish he fed me...