Written for myShunda. Not beta'd at all. Farscape pr0n snippet, spoilers for season three. Did I mention this is pr0n?
He blinked hard once, and saw Talyn's bulkhead. Black and red walls surrounded him. Red sheets against his pale skin. Black hair caressed his hip while a soft mouth closed around his cock.
He blinked again and called out, "Aeryn," but he was pretty sure her name hitched in his throat, and it was a miracle if the translator microbes made any sense out of it.
She hummed around the tip as she stroked him, let him plop from her mouth with a wet slick and he blinked again, just to be sure he wasn't dreaming.
Hard suction that made his eyes roll back confirmed it.
Opened his mouth, and he's not even attempting to speak English at this point.
John clutched her hair and stopped short of lifting his hips in encouragement - as if Aeryn needed to be guided on how to suck his dick. He forced his eyes open and touched the curve of her jaw as she worked him, and his world narrowed down to clenched muscles and an overwhelming pressure that turned him inside out as he came.
He felt firm Aeryn kisses up his belly and chest, and caught her mouth with his when she met his gaze. He tasted the night before and the morning after, a mixture of them wet and sweet. A wake-up call to be remembered.
Drowsy with sleep, he whispered her name and leaned in for another kiss.