Missing Scene I | STXI | PG-13

May 17, 2013 08:28

Title: Missing Scene I
Series: STID
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~920
Summary:[This summary contains a massive spoiler.]Following the death of Pike.
Disclaimer: Somewhere over the slash rainbow of my mind, it happened. But not in Kansas, unfortunately.
A/N: Can I just say how freaking psyched I am for the return of Trek fandom? Bring on all ( Read more... )

st: id, spoilers, kirk/spock, star trek

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Comments 5

reijamira May 17 2013, 11:51:53 UTC
Am I the first to comment? Unbelievable! This was a powerful little fic, drabble? However described, I loved it! Spock, and especially Jim felt so IC, it really seemed like a missing scene. I like how you described what Jim was going through. It was not overly emotional, it just felt real. Thank you for sharing!


spock_flavored May 17 2013, 16:17:50 UTC

I saw that you posted this the morning I was supposed to watch the movie, and so I was impatient all day to read it, and it's the first thing I did when I got out of the movie WHICH WAS SO GOOD I CAN'T EVEN FORMULATE WORDS THAT WILL DO IT JUSTICE


astral_alien8 May 19 2013, 16:31:30 UTC
Wow. That was very well done! And it would have been appropriate had it actually been added in. I just saw the movie Friday myself and that would have made it even better to see this play out on the screen too! XD


nekoii_desu May 20 2013, 20:13:08 UTC
In all honesty.
This new movie has more Spock and Jim emotion filled scenes, than Spock with Uhura. XD wait- wasn't the first movie more or less like that too. No, no, this new one was more intense!

And your filler scene should totally have happened! It's even legit enough!
Please someone, tell J.J ~ we need more fodder for this fandom. 8D


lordakirkland May 31 2013, 12:14:12 UTC
This was so heartbreaking. I really love your take on the way Jim mourns. I could just imagine him and Spock being comfortable enough by this stage to at least take some comfort off one another, even if Jim was a bit out of it.


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