Title: We Are A Lie? Fandom: Code Monkeys Pairing: Dave/Jerry Rating: R (Drug usage and stoner philosophy) Description: Dave ponders life. Jerry ponders Dave. Words: 485 Note: For doilyhands Cause she rocks my 23yr old socks XD
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fatter than Todd and twice as sticky" as he had so lovingly put it I laughed so fucking loud. I don't care if I woke anyone up.
we could all just be a little booger just waiting to be picked out of the nose of eternity... flicked into the cold and loveless night funny and poignant at the same time. Loved it. We're cosmic bogies.
Jerry smiled sleepily and slowly stroked Dave's hair. "You idiot, it doesn't matter where we end up. As long as the journey there was worth it." and Jerry leaned over, until he was the only thing Dave could possibly look at. "Always."
Fluff monkey like cheetos! Fluff monkey like pot and snuggleroo's Fluff monkey very epic dude Big warm fuzzy epic heart Fluff monkey like youuuuuuuu XD
Fluff Monkey get up get coffee Fluff Monkey go to job have freaky meeting with crazy manager Bob [t. larrity] Bob say Fluff Monkey very diligent but his output stink his code not functional or elegant what do Fluff Monkey think Fluff Monkey think maybe Larrity want to write goddamn login page himself
Comments 3
fatter than Todd and twice as sticky" as he had so lovingly put it I laughed so fucking loud. I don't care if I woke anyone up.
we could all just be a little booger just waiting to be picked out of the nose of eternity... flicked into the cold and loveless night funny and poignant at the same time. Loved it. We're cosmic bogies.
Jerry smiled sleepily and slowly stroked Dave's hair.
"You idiot, it doesn't matter where we end up. As long as the journey there was worth it."
Jerry leaned over, until he was the only thing Dave could possibly look at.
Fluff monkey like pot and snuggleroo's
Fluff monkey very epic dude
Big warm fuzzy epic heart
Fluff monkey like youuuuuuuu XD
Fluff Monkey go to job
have freaky meeting with crazy manager Bob [t. larrity]
Bob say Fluff Monkey very diligent
but his output stink
his code not functional or elegant
what do Fluff Monkey think
Fluff Monkey think maybe Larrity want to write goddamn login page himself
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