When reading the preface of a science fiction book, I came across the statement that, had everyone on the flights on 11 September 2001 had a six-inch hunting knife, things would have ended differently. This kind of statement annoys me, due to the armchair quarterbacking, and I will proceed to wax verbal, or even verbose, on this.
Ranting on violence )
Comments 11
And, to prove your point, the 9/11 plane that crashed in Pennsylvania without hitting a strategic point, Unitetd 93 (?), was taken down by the passengers once they had received text messages from family and friends telling them of the other planes: they knew there could be more at stake than an unpleasant stopover in Cuba. Also, they did not have six inch hunting knives, but nevertheless took the flight out of commission, possibly saving the White House, as has been speculated.
Plus, killing someone with a knife takes a lot more force than we realize. Most people haven't, or don't think of what it is like to, lunge a knife through the flesh of a raw turkey, sheep or pig, or moose. Flesh and bone are not the consistency of apple pie, unlike the movies tell us. Plus poultry and other food-animals tend to not be flailing around trying to kill us or have armed accomplices either...
I'm told that human skin and orange peel is similar in resistance - and that's just the skin...
Sounds good on paper, from the comfort of one's home. And yet, even in areas where violence is rife, other than the occasional bystander, the majority of victims of knife and gun violence are not the people who go about unarmed, but people who themselves bear knives and guns, because this a) marks you as someone who engages in 'social violence,' and b) it will override your instincts to seek cover and call for help or run away - but while you may _feel_ invincible, you're not.
I do know (thankfully only online) someone who conforms to all the stereotypes of breast-beating maleness, and he scares me enough that I emphatically do *not* wish to meet him in person, because he does not appear to have the restraints that most civilised adults posess. He thinks violence *is* an answer, and that it's his right to bear a gun.
Oddly enough, the only person I know who is truly good at violence keeps asking me, plaintively, why other men keep seeing the world as one giant pissing contest...
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