Pick 10 people and give them the "you make my day" award. If you're picked, you are charged with picking 10 of your own. Spread the love! I was picked by
sheryden !
archae_ology burntsm0re echelon_ga_l lv_lorne parislove27 sheryden (in alphabetical Order)
Here are five things that
sheryden associates with me. I'll explain them under the cut. If you want to play, comment, and I'll give you five things I associate with you. You then explain them on your journal.
Kavan Smith: He did catch my eyes years ago, and everytime I see him in something new like Mission to Mars, The 4400, SGA, Sanctuary... I love him even more. It's not just his acting, he also is the type of guy I do like in Real Life. That's it, I guess! Oh, and that voice, he could read the phone book and still I would melt for him.
Icons: Hm... I use Photoshop in my everyday work, I won't tell too much, but the place where I work needs me for creating their adds, so I like to try new things in Photoshop first via icons and banners, before I use those technics in my real life work.
Carson Beckett: He was the first charackter on SGA, which I fell in love with. And his accent makes my knees week. Again, he's the type of guy I like, dark hair, light eyes :D
Tesla: I guess you mean that one Tesla, right? He is so deliciously evil, I like the way he talks, he has an oh so light lisp which sounds sooo very sexy (or am I imagining that part). And the way he clothes himself, awesome!
Joe and Will: I am still trying to define what it is these two do to me, beside the mental images of them naked. The way they interact with each other. I can't stop imagining and phantasies about how it comes they know each other so well, that Joe would ask Will to help him or how will reads him so well in the car after they took the case from Joe(like in Edward), there is so much more than this but I still need to rethink the wording so to speak.
a) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question, and indicate that question by coloring it green.
b) Tag eight people.
If you haven't done it yet, Tag, you're it!
make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up: my computer, my glas of water, my tote, my tv and my couch
how do you style your hair? I have a bun almost 90% of the time.
what are you wearing now? White shorts and white muscle shirt. :D
who was the last person you said 'I Love You' to? I don't know, it's been many years I said that word. (weird)
coffee or tea? Peppermint Tea.
who was the last person you hugged? My neighbours daughter. She a sweet little girl. :)
what's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
what would you most love to be doing right now? Living someone else's life!
what was the last text message you received? I honestly cannot remember, my cell phone 'died' last summer and I couldn't be bothered to buy a new one, but I think it was from a friend of mine, from high-school many years ago. :D
what websites do you always visit when you go online? LJ, YouTube, several online news pages
what was the last thing you bought? Water, Veggies, and some comfort-food.
what are you listening to right now? Loreena McKennitt - Marrakesh Night Market
what's the last song that got stuck in your head? David Bowie - Deranged ...a friend pestered me with it for 3 hours strait earlier this day...
if you could have any superpower, what would it be? Psychokinesis/Telekinesis or Healing abilities (others and myself)
what is your favorite weather, and why? Autumn... the change, the rain and winds. I love that time of year!
if you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play? Piano grande
how are you? I'm doing ok.
your dream career? Singer, I always wanted to be one, in School I was the lead voice of the choir, 12 years in a row, on all schools. :')