As usual, I'm painfully late with my Yuletide recs, and these have probably already been recced everywhere. Nevertheless, here's a sampling of what I've read and enjoyed so far. :)
Almost Human
Fixing One's Energy Influx is a Euphemism for Sex (Dorian/John) - Dorian has a need, and lets John know he's fine with John helping out with that. The snark and banter between these two is perfect in this fic. :)
Light Sleeper (Dorian/John) - A tiny gem that is perfectly IC.
The Breakfast Club
If We Dare Expose Our Hearts (Brian/Bender) - I've been a fan of this pairing ever since Res'
Higher Education, and this one is a lovely little getting-together fic.
Brooklyn Nine Nine
a distinct lack of tutus (Amy/Rosa) - I'm really enjoying the hell out of this show, and the fact that there are so many Amy/Rosa fics for Yuletide warm my little heart. This one captures the same zany humour of the show, with a great inner Santiago voice.
Undercover Work (Amy/Rosa) - Another undercover-in-a-gay-bar fic, this time from Rosa's spot-on POV.
Jeeves & Wooster
Jeeves and the Rummy Sitch (Jeeves/Wooster) - Perfectly IC Wooster narration is one of my favourite things, and this is nicely done.
Alec (Alec/Maurice) - I can't even begin to describe how perfect this is, from the language to the characterization to the - ugh, JUST GO READ IT.
Red 2
Prices Paid (Victoria Winslow/Han Cho Bai) - I love Helen Mirren in RED with the power of a thousand suns, and Lee Byung Hun's performance in the sequel is utter gold. When I saw fics that paired them together, it was one of those "holy shit, how did I not think of this immediately?" things, and this fic shows how hot and unexpectedly lovely the pairing could be.
Redressing the Balance (Victoria Winslow/Han Cho Bai) - Another post-movie fic, and so well-written.
Rivers of London
The Purple Jug (Grant/Nightingale) - I have to admit I don't exactly slash Grant & Nightingale (not yet - I've only read the first of the books and yeah, catching up is definitely a goal for 2014), I can't resist a well written story with added lust potion, because yeah. I'm easy that way. :) (warning (spoiler): story is dubcon though author chooses not to warn)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964)
Peppermint (Hermey/Yukon Cornelius) - I've pretty much always thought the stop-motion Rudolph had queer allegory written all over it, so I couldn't pass up this wonderfully sweet (pun intended) story, in which Hermey settles into his new life, part of which comprises some burgeoning (though totally g-rated) feelings for Yukon Cornelius.
For Us Ones Inbetween (Chandler/Kent) - I've only watched the first series and a few other bits of Whitechapel, but I know enough to see the Chandler/Kent possibilities. This is a LONG (20K words) fic that's very satisfying - there are a few typos and errors that intrude, but hey, a 20,000 word Yuletide fic is bound to have a few proofing mistakes, and this one's worth it.
You Belong With Me - University of Rochester Yellowjackets (Music Video)
sleigh bells ring (glasses guy/jock guy) - Or, as the You Belong With Me fandom seems to have dubbed them, Devon and Ed. I think just about everyone I know has seen
this video, and it makes me so gleeful that there are fics for it. This one is beautifully written, and proof that fandom is amazing. :)
In other news, I'm going to wait until after the holiday reveals to do my year in review, because 2013 was a shit writing year and half of the stories I wrote were for holiday exchanges! :S
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