Lewis 801-802, "Entry Wounds"

Nov 05, 2014 12:00

Yes, I suck, I still haven't done a recap of Gypsy or my brief chat with KW, but uh, have some caps instead? *g* Since it's been a while since I've done this, just a reminder that this is a misogyny-free zone, so please, no Laura- or Lizzie-bashing. Thanks! :)

Looking at these eps again, it's really hard to figure out how Laurence Fox can not be playing it like Hathaway is totally pining for Lewis. We learn he's spent a year away from Oxford, his supposed goal a church he never reaches, like an exponential function in search of an asymptote, and he's moody and pissy and his DS hates his freaking guts.

Warning: this is likely to be random and out of sequence. :)

Maddox is not at home to Mister Posh Emo White Boy.

And Mister Posh Emo White Boy knows it.

Likewise, Hathaway seems sad that he's been saddled with yet another member of the working classes. Oh well, now that he's in charge, he doesn't have to put up with her plebeian chatter.

Weird confession time: I had this thought that Whately would be really huge when I met him (like, proportion-wise), but he was actually quite trim and regular-sized. I think I had that impression because he's been in scenes with Clare so much lately and SHE IS SO WEE OMG. LOOK HOW TINY HER HEAD IS.

Love the way Kev shows as soon as she's gone that something's amiss. What a shock that Lewis is not good at retirement - though I would have loved to see something of him actually spending time with his grandson. That's what fanfic is for, I suppose.

I know this is out of sequence, but I can't wait any longer to say that this actor (Thusitha Jayasundera) was AMAZING, wow.

I like that Laura and Hathaway clearly have a good rapport. Nice moment between them.

In contrast, Maddox holds herself back from kicking her superior officer in the nuts when he tells her to search an entire fucking forest. She has more self-restraint than I would have had.

I adore that the Lewis PTB clearly have a Luddite fifty-something's conception of the way the internet looks. "Yeah, and we can have one of those, erm, what're they called, 'jiffys'? Yeah, that's what the kids are doing now!"

BRITISH PEOPLE, THIS IS NOT HOW YOU MAKE A CANOE. (Seriously, does anyone in the UK actually think this is how you make a canoe? PLEASE SAY NO.) This is of course supposed to show us that Lewis is Bad At Retirement, but this was the best way they thought they could do this? YIKES.

Hathaway: Fuck, no, I didn't ask for you, I AM TRYING TO GET OVER YOU JFC I WALKED ACROSS AN ENTIRE COUNTRY AND THAT DIDN'T WORK WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE. Or, you know, maybe I'm reading too much into that expression.

Lewis reacting to the news that Hathaway didn't personally ask for him is the saddest thing ever. HIS LITTLE CRUSHED FACE.

Hathaway being the human cipher. Lewis is intrigued and frustrated and perhaps a little turned on.

I LOVED this little exchange between Lewis and Maddox. It demonstrates just how in sync they are - he establishes and instant rapport with her, while Hathaway hasn't managed it yet - and it deftly shows Robbie's big heart and his willingness to admit his failings. I find it interesting that Hathaway hasn't mentioned Lewis at all, but then I don't see him and Maddox chatting about their lives.

<3 <3 <3

Lewis is in the doghouse when Laura finds out he's gone back to work without telling her. Like, literally. She builds him one out of the half-glued pieces of that shitty canoe.

"You wish to complain about my level of service?" AHAHAHAHA OMG BURN.

Not even Hathaway at his most catty can resist Robbie's mother-henning. AWWWWW.

Love this little moment between them as they realize just how hard the Noorans have it.

More grilling of Hathaway on his year away, and once again James is closed off and enigmatic. Read into that what you will.

Lewis certainly is.

Of course, Lewis and Hathaway are always going to be the focus of this show, but I like that Maddox got her moments to be hella smart.

TBH, I'm not really sure why Hathaway is such a prick about Lewis helping out. Okay, he wants to spread his wings, but he's a smart boy - he has to know what a crap job he's doing of it. The slash goggles interpretation of his finally thinking he'd gotten over Lewis and finding he really hasn't is so much more fun.

Loved this little exchange between Innocent and Hathaway, showing how good she is at handling her socially awkward detective.

Yes, you are being a dick.

I found it interesting that they didn't bother to cover up Fox's tatts for this shot. Either they thought they wouldn't show, or they thought we wouldn't care that Hathaway apparently has tattoos. WE CARE. WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN (of course, they make no sense for his character, so probably just lack of care on the show's part). Still, I want fic where Lewis makes it his mission to find out what Hathaway's tattoos are and how he got them.

Lewis is wondering why he's getting a funny feeling in his tummy.

Oh, right, he's HOT FOR EVIDENCE, not for Hathaway's bod.

Can I just note that the show also thinks it's NBD that Robbie follows James into the locker room and supposedly watches him be naked a lot.

Ahahahaha, Hathaway's ickle scrunchy face of "fuck right off" when Lewis tries to grill him again about his time away.

Hathaway mocking Lewis' advice to stop being a dick, because Lewis didn't love him enough.

I loved this bit so much. Robbie telling Maddox about the counselling services pamphlet he was going to take to the Noorans, and then asking her if she thought it would seem like meddling.

Of course, she thinks it's lovely, and tells him so. AND HE GETS ALL BASHFUL AND RUNS AWAY ASKJADHLSKJHAS. <3 <3 <3

Maddox thinks Lewis is adorable. As do we. :)

Okay, I know it's hideous that a suicide explanation is turned into a cute moment between Laura and Robbie, but hey, it's that kind of show.

I do like that this was Laura's way of saying "you drive me up the fucking wall but I can't seem to stop wanting to bonk you so just let me strangle you a little and we can go on."

And I also found it really interesting that Hathaway interrupts their little moment. This is even more noticeable in the next ep.

I love that they show Maddox as smart and compassionate and just generally lovely.

Nice to see Hathaway finally start to recognize that, too. You git.

Hathaway reveals he walked all the way across Spain to not visit a church. I WIN AT EMO SO THERE.

Lewis' exasperated hearteyes.

You know Maddox is wondering if "going for a pint" is their code for "shagging each other silly".

THE HELL WAS THIS. SERIOUSLY. This was almost better than a sex scene. Note I say almost.


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lewis: ep recaps

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