Oh boy, here we go again! :) I'm a bit lazy, sorry, so some of this is basically copied from previous letters.
First, thank you so much for what you are about to write! :D My favourite things include character studies, slash/femslash, romance, sex of any rating, people being good to one another, either as coworkers, friends or lovers. I'm not a big fan of deathfic, darkfic, noncon, H/C, BDSM or A/B/O dynamics, but a bit of angst is fine with me.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine - I listed Amy Santiago, Rosa Diaz, Jake Peralta and Terry Jeffords because they're some of my favourite characters, but really, I love all the characters on this show, with the exception of Scully, Hitchcock and Wunch. I would have added Capt. Holt as a fave if I could have had 5. I'd love a character study featuring any of those five, or something showing the way they work or play together with the other characters (including those not listed, as long as one of my favourites is the focus). A scene from Captain Holt's childhood? Rosa navigating her way through a relationship with Marcus? Amy and Jake on a double date with Rosa and Marcus (oh god, I'm laughing already)? Terry's daughters all grown up and starting their first days as police officers? You decide!
Sleepy Hollow - I loved this show in the first season, gave up in disgust partway through the second to pick it back up at the end, and so far am LOVING Season Three. And all I can say is, BRING ON THE ICHABBIE. I'd love to see something featuring the snarky, comedic side of their relationship, the domesticity of them living together, Crane's newfound obsession with 21st-century lingerie, whatever you like. Abbie showing Ichabod how to work something in the modern world, or taking him clothes shopping, or any scenario where Ichabod can complain about the 21st century and Abbie tells him to suck it up? BRING IT. Also, anything featuring Jenny Mills and/or her relationship to Ichabod and/or Abbie would be more than fine. I'm good with Jenny/Joe, too. :)
Selfie - I didn't expect to like this show - I have this weird thing about Brits doing American accents - but I found it unexpectedly clever, and Henry and Eliza to be unexpectedly charming, both separately and together, and I was SO PISSED OFF when it was cancelled. I'd love pretty much anything you wanted to do here, including something exploring Charmonique in more depth, for she is awesome.
Top Gear UK RPF - This is my guilty pleasure, and I know it's a problematic source, and I know Jeremy Clarkson can be a dick, but it really helps if I picture him with a dick in his mouth, usually James May's. :D Seriously,
they are ridiculously slashable, and there are times when Clarkson really, really makes me wonder if he's at least heteroflexible, because he has no problems
telling pretty men how pretty they are, and loves to make hearteyes at May every damn chance he gets. LALALA WHATEVER I KNOW IT'S FREAKY BUT I CAN'T HELP IT. :D If you're not into the slash, though, friendship fic is fine, or crack, or whereever your brain takes you. <3
For the Love of Cars RPF - YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I AM THAT THIS IS ACTUALLY A FANDOM FOR YULETIDE, because a) I didn't nominate it, and b) I felt like
I was the only person squeeing about it like a big dork and this means I AM NOT ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE. Look, it's totally ridiculous, but they are so fucking adorable together. I don't know anything about these guys' actual personal lives, and I don't want to know - feel free to make this as dirty as you like if you go slash rather than gen, but I'm not big on cheating, so if they're married, maybe let's make this an AU? That's my kooky little hangup.
Thank you so much for whatever you choose to do! I am, as always, very grateful for all your kind efforts! Yay Yuletide!
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