The Little Things Pt 820/? (Forever After Sequel)

Apr 11, 2017 14:46

Chapter 820

Flash Forward 2030

Kris,” Adam yelled as he marched through the house. “Kris?”
“You know, I'm not a dog,” Kris yelled as he poked his head out of the studio door. “You can't just call my name and expect me to come running.”
“I don't have time to argue with you,” Adam snapped. “You have to talk to your son.”
“My son?” Kris frowned. “We don't share sons any more?”
“He's walking around wearing an engagement ring,” Adam whispered. “Right there on his finger like it's no big deal.”
“Jacob,” Adam answered through gritted teeth. “I think he and Gabe are engaged.”
“He's fifteen,” Kris laughed. “He can't be engaged.”
“Well explain the ring then.”
“I can't,” Kris frowned.
“You are going to have to talk to him,” Adam said. “I can't deal with this. I'm leaving tomorrow for a fifty date tour. I can't deal with my kid getting engaged.”
“I'll talk to him,” Kris sighed. “But when Sebastian screws up, it's your turn.”
“Deal,” Adam breathed out as Kris past him.


“Hey baby boy,” Kris smiled as he walked into Jacob's room closing the door behind him. “What are you up to?”
“History homework,” Jacob sighed. “There is so much of it to cover.”
“So...” Kris glanced at Jacob's finger, “what's new?”
“Nothing much,” Jacob shrugged. “What's new with you?”
“I was just in the studio planning what we could do for your Papa's last night at home,” Kris answered as he sat down on the bed. “I thought we could have a family dinner, then just hang out at home. Just the family.”
“It's going to be weird not having your Papa around,” Kris remarked.
“He's been on tour before.”
“Yeah, but this is the first time since Sophia left home,” Kris explained. “It feels like our family is getting smaller, and with Sebastian going with your Papa for the first ten days... well it's only going to be me, you, and Elle.”
“And Gabe,” Jacob pointed out. “Papa said he could stay in Sebastian's room while his coach and his wife are out of town this week.”
“Right,” Kris smiled. “You know I like Gabe...”
“It's not an engagement ring,” Jacob interrupted. “You can stop trying to figure out how to ask me.”
“So what is it?” Kris frowned taking hold of Jacob's hand so he could see it. “It looks like an engagement ring, or so your Papa says. It just looks like a ring to me.”
“And that's what Gabe thought,” Jacob smiled. “He didn't know it was an engagement ring.”
“You gave your Papa a scare,” Kris said as he tried to hide his smile. “He thinks you're engaged.”
“I'm fifteen,” Jacob pointed out.
“Well, I better go and tell him the good news.” Kris stood from the bed and walked towards the bedroom door.
“If I do get engaged to Gabe one day, would you and Papa be happy for me?”
“As long as you're happy and Gabe treats you right,” Kris smiled. “Gabe's a good guy, but...”
“No getting married until I'm older,” Jacob interrupted causing Kris to laugh.
“I'll make sure to tell your Papa you said that,” Kris said as he opened the door to leave.


“Well?” Adam asked as he stood at the bottom of the stairs picking at his nails. “Is he engaged?”
“It is an engagement ring,” Kris said softly causing Adam to let out a groan.
“I can't deal with this.” Adam ran a hand through his hair. “I really don't want to ground my fifteen-year-old for getting engagement. Kris go back in there and tell him no.”
“It's an engagement ring, but they aren't engaged,” Kris said. “Gabe just wanted to buy him something. He didn't know it was an engagement ring.”
“So does that mean I'm not going to have to plan a wedding any time soon?”
“I think we can hold off buying fancy suits for the time being,” Kris smiled.
“I really panicked there,” Adam breathed out as he held his chest.
“I noticed,” Kris smirked.
“I think I need a drink.”
“Oh no you don't,” Sebastian announced as he came out of the kitchen. “Your running shoes are by the front door.”
“But I ran yesterday,” Adam frowned.
“This is the last day we can train before we leave tomorrow,” Sebastian explained. “We need one last hour run before tomorrow.”
“I don't think I do,” Adam frowned.
“I'll be at the front gate,” Sebastian said as he jogged towards the front door.
“I hate that kid,” Adam grumbled.
“I'll have a nice warm bath ready for you,” Kris smiled as he reached up to kiss Adam's cheek.


“So my parents saw the ring,” Jacob said as he snuggled against Gabe's side.
“I should go,” Gabe said trying to sit up from Jacob's bed.
“Get back down,” Jacob laughed. “They aren't home, and I explained it to them anyway.”
“So I'm not going to be killed by Adam Lambert?”
“Not at this moment in time,” Jacob answered seriously.
“You think you're funny, don't you?” Gabe asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I know I am.”
Gabe leaned over Jacob to look down at him. “Hmm.”
“What?” Jacob asked in an unsure tone.
“Nothing,” Gabe smiled as he continued to stare.
“What are you looking at?”
“I'm enjoying the view.”
“Are you trying to be romantic?” Jacob asked with a smile.
“Yes,” Gabe smiled back.
“Okay,” Jacob smiled as he wiggled around on the bed. “Let me get comfortable first.”
“Can't you be serious for a minute?” Gabe sighed.
Jacob stopped moving to look at his boyfriend. “I won't say another word.”
“I think you like to joke because someone giving you a compliment makes you feel uncomfortable,” Gabe mused as he stroked his fingertip along Jacob's lip. “You don't realize how great you really are.”
“I know how...”
“You're a good actor,” Gabe interrupted. “You play the part of a confident person, but you're really not so sure about yourself. Which is pretty funny since you're Adam Lambert's kids.”
“Is this an official diagnosis?” Jacob asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I know you,” Gabe answered honestly. “I've studied you for years. Even before I knew I loved you. I know everything about you.”
“You should like one of my Papa's stalkers.”
“See,” Gabe smirked. “You use humour when you're uncomfortable.”
“I guess I'm not used to it,” Jacob shrugged. “No one's ever really paid much attention to me.”
“Well you have all of my attention,” Gabe said running his finger over Jacob's jaw. “Maybe I should tell you more often how amazing you are. How you make my heart skip a beat just by looking at me. You put a smile on my face just from one little text, and even when you're away from me, I can still feel you around me.”
“I thought you said you weren't good at this sort of thing,” Jacob remarked.
“I'm learning,” Gabe smiled. “You bring it out of me.”
“Well, you know I feel the same about you,” Jacob said quietly.
Gabe reached for Jacob's hand to look at the ring. “So you like your ring?”
“I love it,” Jacob said smiling widely.
“I really didn't know it was an engagement ring.”
“Because you really are a boy,” Jacob remarked dryly.
“You seemed pretty freaked out when you thought I was proposing,”
“I didn't freak out.”
“Yes you did,” Gabe laughed.
“Okay I did,” Jacob said rolling his eyes. “But only because of our age. I really don't think getting engaged at our age would be good for my Papa's heart.”
“What if we got engaged in our twenties?” Gabe asked as he stroked Jacob's arm. “Like twenty-one. That's six years from now. Do you think your Papa's heart could take that?”
“Are you proposing?” Jacob asked surprised.
“I'm pre proposing,” Gabe answered with a smirk. “Look at it as a promise of a proposal.”
“When we're twenty-one?”
“Any age really,” Gabe answered. “I don't care if we do it in five years or twenty-five years. I just want it to happen.”
“You want to marry me?”
“I want to be with you,” Gabe answered. “You've kind of ruined dating for me. I don't think I could find anyone as good as you.”
“Twenty-one sounds good,” Jacob said smiling softly.
“Cool,” Gabe smiled.
“And I am so picking my own ring then. I need to make sure it will go with every outfit,” Jacob remarked causing Gabe to roll his eyes.
“It always goes back fashion with you, doesn't it?”
“And you love me for it.”
“How did I fall in love with such a diva?” Gabe quizzed.
“Because you're a lucky man,” Jacob answered before leaning in to capture Gabe's lips.


“Are you sure I can call you every night?” Elle quizzed as she sat up against Adam's side on the sofa.
“You know you can,” Adam said softly. “You can call me any time you want.”
“Why can't I come with you?” Elle quizzed.
“Because you have school, baby.”
“But Sebastian is going.”
“Because Sebastian's school is letting him,” Adam explained. “He's taking all his school work with him.”
“When can I come with you?”
“You will be coming with Daddy and Jacob in ten days time,” Adam explained gently. “And I promise we'll do something fun, just you and me.”
“Can I sing with you on stage?” Elle asked with a small smile on her face.
“That would be good, but...”
“Come on,” Elle pouted. “Don't you think I'm good enough?”
“You're the best,” Adam answered. “I just think you're still a little young to be going on stage. There's going to be a lot of people there.”
“That doesn't scare me.” Elle moved until she was sitting on Adam's knee. “We could sing a song together. Daddy could play the piano.”
“You're a pushy little thing, aren't you?” Adam sighed.
“Does that mean yes?” Elle asked with wide eyes.
“It means I'll think about it.”
“You're the best,” Elle screeched as she through her arms around Adam's neck.


“Are you sure you're going to be able to do this?” Jacob stood in front of Adam with his hands on his hips. “You look confused.”
“I know how to wear a leather jacket,” Adam sighed. “I've been wearing leather long before you came along.”
“This is a Jacob Allen original,” Jacob pointed out. “It's not your usually leather jacket.”
“It'll be fine,” Adam said as he looked at himself in the mirror.
“Who's your dresser?” Jacob quizzed as he tugged at the sleeves of Adam's jacket.
“You're letting my brother deal with your clothes?” Jacob asked in surprise. “That's it, you're not taking the jacket.”
“Sebastian will be fine,” Adam said. “And Tommy will be with us.”
“I don't see why you don't hire a personal assistant like the rest of the rock stars,” Jacob remarked.
“I don't like people doing things for me when I can do them myself,” Adam answered. “And I can dress myself. I've been doing that since long before you came along too.”
“You know how to fasten the clip on the front?”
“Yes,” Adam sighed.
“And what about the zips on the sleeves?”
“I know it all Jacob,” Adam answered. “You know, I once wore a pair of leather pants that had seventeen straps and nine zips. And don't get me started with the zipper fly I had.”
“Do you still own those pants?” Jacob quizzed.
“They're around somewhere,” Adam shrugged.
“And what size are they?”
“You're not wearing my pants, Jacob,” Adam answered causing Jacob to pout.
“I have the perfect shirt for them too.”


“So when I wake up, you'll be gone?” Elle quizzed as she allowed Adam to tuck her into bed.
“I have to leave really early tomorrow, baby girl, but I'll come in and give you a kiss,” Adam promised.
“But you won't wake me up,” Elle pouted. “You always just kiss me, and not wake me up.”
“I don't want you tired for school,” Adam explained. “But I'll call you before you leave for school.”
“Will you buy me something in New York?”
“I will, and you can get it when you come out to visit me.”
“In ten days?”
“Ten days,” Adam whispered. “Now are you going to go to sleep now?”
“Will you lay with me for a bit?”
Adam nodded his head before pulling back the covers to climb in beside his little girl. “You're so the opposite of your big sister.”
“She loved when I left for tour,” Adam answered. “It meant she got away with a lot more.”
“I like it better when we're all together,” Elle explained. “I like when you and Daddy are together.”
“I like that too,” Adam smiled.
“Do you know that you and Daddy are the only parents in my class that are still married?” Elle quizzed. “Everyone's Daddy lives somewhere else.”
“And you like that your Daddy and Papa live together?” Adam asked with a smile.
“And I like when you hold hands at the dinner table,” Elle smiled.
“You're a little romantic, aren't you?” Adam laughed.
“How did you know you loved Daddy?” Elle quizzed as she looked up at her Papa.
“How did I know?”
“Yeah,” Elle nodded. “What was the first thing that happened that made you realize.”
“I guess I realized over time,” Adam mused. “We were friends for a long time.”
“But what was the thing he did that made you love him?” Elle pressed causing Adam to frown.
“It was a long time ago baby,” Adam answered.
“You can't forget falling in love,” Elle frowned.
“I guess you can't,” Adam smiled at his daughter.
“So what did Daddy do?”
“He was nice,” Adam answered in a whisper. “I fell in love with your Daddy because he was nice to me.”

End of Flash Forward 2030

Flashback 2009

Kris found himself sat between Lil and Meg as Matt, Danny and Allison fought over what movie to watch. They had just arrived back from their first rehearsal for the live show and with everyone on edge Kris had suggested a movie but now as he watched Allison smack Danny's head he thought maybe spending the night huddled together in one room might not be a good idea now.
“Behave kids.” As if magic Adam appeared at the back of Kris's chair as he smiled down at Allison.
“He won't let me pick,” Allison pouted up at Adam. Kris had to smile. They had only known each other for a few weeks, but Allison knew exactly how to get Adam to do what she wanted.
“Let him pick baby girl,” Adam smiled resting his hands on Kris's shoulders. “The old man will fall asleep before the first five minutes anyway. Then you can watch what you want,” Adam explained as gently as he could.
“Going out?” Lil asked all excited as she looked up and down at Adam's outfit.
“Just a few drinks with a few friends,” he explained as he squeezed Kris's shoulders to get his attention. “I won't be too long. I'll try to not wake you when I come in.” Kris only smiled up at Adam before the older man disappeared out the door leaving behind a group of smiling men.
“What?” Kris asked as he looked towards Matt and Danny.
“It's sweet that your man doesn't want to disturb you when he comes in,” Matt teasingly smiled at Kris.
“Yeah,” Danny laughed. “And we all know you'll be sitting up waiting for him to return.”
Kris just rolled his eyes at the bad jokes. He had heard them all before . It had only taken them an hour of moving into the mansion when Matt started calling Kris Adam's wifey because they were hanging around each other so much. “Yeah really funny guys.”
“It's pathetic,” Meg said. “They all wait until Adam leaves the room before they start their little jokes.”
“Exactly,” Allison laughed. “The little boys are scared.”
“Of what?” Matt asked looking at Meg.
“Of the 6ft 1 guy that just walked out,” Meg suggested earning a round of giggles from the rest of the girls.
“Oh please,” Danny said rolling his eyes. “It's hard to be scared of someone that wears more make up that my Mom.”
“So you're saying you would tease Kris like this if Adam was here?” Lil asked from her seat beside Kris.
“Of course I would,” Danny answered jumping instantly as the front door opened and slammed shut. “Lets just drop it now guys,” Danny said in a panic as he looked a the door.
“No lets tell Adam what you've been saying,” Meg teased. “Adam”
“Shhh,” Danny hissed in a panic.
“Scared in case that's Adam?” Allison smirked as she pushed Danny.
Danny shook his head as he watched the door his face instantly relaxing when Michael walked in. “Thank god.”
“Where is he?” Michael asked as he took off his coat. “Where's Adam.”
“Out,” Kris answered as he looked confused at the tall figure in front of him. “He's meeting a friend for drinks.”
“He's in so much fucking trouble,” Michael said causing the whole room to look at him in stunned silence. Kris hadn't known him long but he knew Michael wasn't one for swearing, the word seemed almost foreign coming out his mouth.
“Why what's he done?” Kris asked his heart rate speed up at the thought of Adam being in trouble with the show.
“I hung around the studio to get in more practice and Simon Cowell showed up to talk to the producers,” Michael explained as everyone watched him closely. Kris could tell that whatever he was about to say was not going to be good. “There are pictures of Adam on line. Pictures Simon Cowell was not happy about.”
“What kind?” Danny asked a little too excited for Kris's liking.
“I don't know much,” Michael shrugged. “Just that they involve another man and Simon is not pleased.”

The room fell into a stunned silence as everyone looked at each other. It was Matt that leaped up first announcing that he had to see them before everyone else followed, all scrambling to get their own lap tops leaving Kris and Michael behind.
“Not want to join in on the party?” Kris asked annoyed that everyone seemed so excited by the idea of there being naughty pictures of Adam to see.
“I don't agree with what he is,” Michael said very annoyed as he sat next to Kris.
“You don't like Jews,” Kris asked attempting to lighten the dark mood that had set over him.
“I don't like queers,” Michael said bluntly causing Kris to flinch at the hate in his voice. “And as a Christian you shouldn't either.”
“As a Christian I was taught to like everyone no matter what religion race or sex they are.” Kris didn't want to get into a religious fight with Michael, he knew there was no was of winning with him.
“Just be careful,” Michael warned. “Getting too close to him might cause talk. Keep your distance.” Michael stood looking down at Kris. “Anyway looks like he won't be here much longer. The first public vote and he'll be gone,” Michael laughed as he left Kris alone in the room. Kris waited till Michael was out of sight before looking down at his clenched hands. Opening them up he winced as he watched the small amount of blood running down his wrist. A small in print from where his nails dug into the skin. “Fuck.”


Kris watched the clock in his room flash five am as he lay on top of his bed wide awake. He had not heard a word from Adam and by now he knew Simon Cowell had found him. So as six o'clock approached and the bedroom door finally opened Kris couldn't contain his excitement as he watched Adam enter.
“Adam,” Kris half squealed as he ran and threw his arms around Adam's waist.
“Easy,” Adam smiled weakly pushing Kris away from him enough so he could see him.
Kris could see the tiredness on Adam's face. “Are you okay? I heard what happened.”
“Thought you might,” Adam sighed as he pulled Kris back in for another hug.
“Are you okay?” Kris repeated into Adam's denim clad shoulder.
“Heads filled with lawyer talk,” Adam mumbled. “Simon Cowell came and got me from a fucking gay bar,” he laughed. “Almost shit myself when I looked up and saw him walking towards me.”
Kris pulled back from the hug to look up at Adam. “Adam are you okay?”
“I'm fine. I'll be fine,” Adam answered as he pulled away from Kris to sit down on the bed.
“Is it bad?” Kris asked taking a seat beside his new friend. “Are the pictures bad?”
“You haven't looked?” Adam asked looking at Kris.
“I didn't want to invade your privacy,” Kris answered shyly.
“The whole fucking country seen them by now,” Adam laughed.
“The whole fucking country loves to gossip,” Kris answered dryly.
“Language,” Adam said like he was mockingly scolding Kris.
“You said it,” Kris pointed out.
“Yeah but I'm a bad seed,” Adam said his face suddenly pulling into a frown as he looked down at his hands.
“Is that what Simon said?” Kris asked as he watched Adam nod slowly. “He actually said that?”
“Apparently I'm the headline grabber of the season. The one to draw in the crowd good or bad.” Adam shook his head sighing. “He hopes I stay in for a week or two so I can cause drama. Drama sells apparently, but hey...” Adam looked at Kris with a half smile, “apparently your the eye candy for the show. Something to bring in the screaming girls.”
Kris looked sadly at his new friend. He had only known him a few weeks but in those few weeks he had learned so much. Like for eight years he had struggled to make it and now was his chance. He could see the fear in Adam's eyes at the realization that maybe it was all about to end. That eight years of hard work was for nothing.
“Simon doesn't know everything,” Kris said weakly as he watched Adam.
“He knows the American Idol viewers,” Adam said as a tear rolled down his cheek. “Fucking stupid homophobic show.”
“Hey,” Kris said getting on to his knees to kneel in front of Adam, taking both Adam's hands in his he thought about Michael and his warning. “Fuck them all,” Kris said in anger. “If they think they're going to weaken you and ruin all your hard work they're wrong. You've got to show the fuckers you mean business. Get on that stage on Tuesday and give them the biggest fuck you ever.”
Adam laughed through his tears as he looked down at Kris. “Your a cute one when your a bad ass,” Adam teased. Kris thought about Michael again as he squeezed Adam's tight.
“You need to sing another song,” Kris said not caring about Michael any more.
“I'm singing Thriller.”
“No,” Kris shook his head. “You need to sing Black and White. Let the bastards hear those lyrics.”
“Where's shy unassuming Kris,” Adam laughed as another tear rolled down his cheek.
“He's still here,” Kris smiled. “I just don't like people trying to push around the people I care about.” Adam looked down at Kris with a look in his eyes. “Got something to say Lambert?”
“For a straight dude you're pretty cool with the faggot being so close,” Adam said holding up their entwined hands.
“And you're pretty cool for having a straight so close to you.” Kris lifted out their entwined hands to wipe away another tear from Adam's cheek. “Please stop crying,” he pleaded.
“Okay,” Adam mouthed moving their hands to his lips to give Kris's knuckles a soft kiss. He quickly let go of Kris's hand as he shyly gave an apologetic smile.
“Don't start getting shy on me now Lambert,” Kris said waving his hand in front of Adam.
“Hey what's that?” Adam asked gripping Kris's wrist to look at his hand. “How's your hand cut?”
Kris looked down at his hand as Adam traced the slight cut with his fingers. “It was either this or Michael's face,” Kris answered earning a confused look from Adam. “He was saying things, not nice things.”
“About me?” Adam asked.
“He's an ass hole,” Kris answered.
“And not worth you hurting yourself over,” Adam pointed out still tracing the cut with his fingers.
“I don't want people thinking bad things about you. I have this weird need to protect you,” Kris confessed as he looked down at his hands. “God I sound like a stalker.”
“I think you sound like a best friend,” Adam smiled lifting their hands up causing Kris's eyes to follow. “And I think you're a very sweet best friend. Thank you,” Adam said as he left a soft kiss on Kris's injured hand.

End Of Flashback

the little things

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