Tutorials #3 & #4: Izzie

Feb 13, 2007 14:17

micia85 asked for a tutorial for some of the Grey's Anatomy icons in my last icon post.

Unfortunately, I hardly ever save the psd files and I don't use the exact same settings on each icon, so it's not easy for me to remember exactly how I got each finished icon. But I've tried to recreate two of them. I know they're not the same as the originals, but hopefully they're close enough that the tutorials will still be helpful!

Using Photoshop 7 (I don't think it's translatable because of selective colors, sorry)

based on this:

I usually don't crop or resize the screencap until I'm done getting the coloring how I want it. But you can go ahead an crop/resize it however you want.

Duplicate base and set to screen.

Add a new layer and fill it with #FFE869, set it to soft light.

Add a selective color adjustment layer with these settings:

Cyan -85
Magenta +15
Yellow +44
Black 0

Cyan +14
Magenta -15
Yellow -65
Black -3

Cyan +24
Magenta +8
Yellow -23
Black 0

Cyan +19
Magenta -9
Yellow -25
Black 0

Add a color balance adjustment layer with these settings:

Midtones: +26, +26, +23
Shadows: +22, +13, +7
Highlights: +6, +10, +17

Add a levels adjustment layer with these settings:

RGB: 44, 1.00, 251

Now add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer with these settings:

Reds: Saturation +15
Yellows: Hue -6, Saturation -20
Cyans: Hue -2, Saturation +12

You can stop here if you want. But if you're a freak like me...

Merge all layers into one layer and set it to invisible.

Add another selective color adjustment layer with these settings:

Cyan +96

Black +70

Merge layers again and then move the first merge layer on top of the new one and make it visible again.

Now, with a soft edged eraser, carefully erase anything from the top layer that looks too red/fuzzy to you. I decided that the inside of her mouth and her nostrils had too much red and her eyelashes were too light. So I erased them from the top layer so that the bottom layer showed through. Then I used the burn tool to go over those areas on the bottom layer to make them even darker, until I had it how I wanted it.

But that's just me. If it looks good to you, leave it as it is.

(screenshot of those last steps, incase it confused you: Last Step)

based on this:

Duplicate base and set to screen. Lower the fill of the screen layer to 80%.

Add a new layer and fill it with #FFE869 set to soft light.

Add a selective color adjustment layer with these settings:

Cyan -28,
Magenta +10
Yellow +16
Black 0

Cyan -54
Magenta 0
Yellow -60
Black +27

Cyan -5
Magenta +71
Yellow +16
Black 0

Cyan +70
Magenta -15
Yellow -42
Black -18

Cyan -5
Magenta +6
Yellow -14
Black +1

Add a color balance adjustment layer with these settings:

Midtones: +8, +18, +4
Shadows: +22, +27, +2
Highlights: -9, -17, +7

Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer with these settings:

Master: Saturation -35
Reds: Saturation +38
Yellows: Saturation -35
Cyans: Hue -7, Saturation -42

Add a levels adjustment layer with these settings:

RGB: 74, 1.26, 226

Add another selective color adjustment layer with these settings:

Cyan -80
Magenta +15
Yellow +29
Black 0

Cyan 0
Magenta -44
Yellow -73
Black -88

Cyan -46
Magenta +100
Yellow -23
Black +73

Cyan -50

Cyan +8
Magenta +2
Yellow -10
Black 0

Cyan -10
Yellow -4

Cyan +29
Magenta +19
Yellow +12
Black -19

One more adjustment layer. Color balance with these settings:

Midtones: -5, +5, -9
Shadows: 0, 0, 0
Highlights: -11, 0, 0



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