I'm not doing this because everyone else is. Rather, it's because I'm having thoughts that I want to record for when I write the eventual review.
Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationshipsby Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá
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Comments 4
We can talk about this more next time I see you (soon), or at book club (which is supposed to be October 19th... we set the date at last session but I never made the FB invite). But it ties into something Glynnis reblogged on Tumblr some time back, about how fantasy writers could make up anything they want to, and have any type of characters they want to, and set it anywhere they want... and yet, they choose medieval England. I think it's a function of them being inspired by what they read, and if what they read is Tolkien and everyone who was inspired by Tolkien... then we're just going to get more of the same.
If you're interested in genre fiction with a more diverse authorship/cast, have you read anything by Nalo Hopkinson?
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