More meme! Has this gotten old? Probably. We'll blame Kat.

Mar 05, 2012 10:32

This bit of meme is from Anna.  She asked the questions.

1. What's your oldest Disney memory?
Oldest Memory of a Disney anything: Being 3 and laying on my mom's bed watching Sleeping Beauty. Aurora was my princess growing up. I had long blonde hair that curled at the ends and spent all day wandering around aimlessly singing. My mom had cross-stitched me a Sleeping Beauty portrait too.  Oldest park memory: Being 9 and walking into Magic Kingdom for the first time and feeling like I was in another world. The feeling was trumped the next day when I walked into Epcot the first time, and I knew my soul was at home.

2. Are there any roles you have a hard time getting into the voice for? Any that you can easily jump into?
At first I had a really hard time getting into Diana's voice. I had a super hard time getting into the voice and accent I used for Der Toifel in Superman: The Atom Man, because the accent was SO CLOSE to the one I was using for Talia at the time, but not exactly the same accent.  I have a feeling I'll have the same problem with Shioban next time I have to voice her, because I've been doing a Scottish accent a lot lately for fun, and Irish is so close yet so far.  Easiest to get into?  Now it's Maggie and Diana. In general, probably Dee because it's my own voice.

3. If you could be in any Disney musical, which would it be?
Lion King. I'd love to play Rafiki or Nala.  Shadowlands is such an awesome song.  I'd also LOVE to be in a US/English production of Hunchback of Notre Damn.  Curse Disney Broadway for doing it in Germany and never bringing it here!  Or in a stage production of Aladdin.

4. Favorite DC book/comic/storyline? 
I really like the No Mans Land arc, as well as the first few arcs of the original Young Justice trade. At the moment my favorite book out is Wonder Woman.  Historically I like anything with Tim Drake in it.  Or Wally West and Bart Allen.

5. If you could play someone else in Earth P, who would you play?
Tim Drake. But that's physically impossible as I can't sound like a late teens early twenties male.  Really, though, I have no idea. I already play/have gotten to play the characters I really wanted to.  I guess a teen character would be cool, as I play none of those. I'd love to do a Toon Titans styled Starfire.


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