Can you share your dad with me? Yours is cooler than mine. My mom is pretty awesome except when I act thug, she tries to steal my doorags an stuff. an i'm all like wth? give it back, but since she's all tall and i'm not I can't make her. Plus she's my mom so i can't like pistol whip her or like kick or punch or stab cause she's like MOM, and she'd totally kick my arse. Seriously though. I mean she would. I swear my mom would be one kick a$$ gangsta if she wanted to be.
I have a pimp daddy! lol Everyone in school loved my parents like whoa. ;) You mom sounds like a bada$$ chick! My mom listens to more rap than I do. :D No wonder Shady loves his wankstas! Hahahaha Gawd IC is taking over my life.
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