So, I keep trying to design my future DKs for both factions. Alliance got hosed on character options, IMO, even the NEs and Draenei. Horde have so much more novelty available to them. Here's what I've been playing around with so far:
Unfortunately, Model Viewer is buggy. It hasn't mattered for most races, but for human females they are missing a lower jaw, which has made trying to pick out my ideal DK look for them virtually impossible.
I didn't even bother picking out a NE or Draenei, I'm just so disappointed in their options. The only even remotely cool thing is that NEs got a neon pink hair color. Plus, the all of 3 face options they let you choose from for any of the unique skintones are none I want to use for either race either. I don't know why they made that limitation, it's lame. (I don't think I could have dealt with the female NE melee animation long term anyway.)
Gnome DKs are almost as bad. There's nothing particularly striking about their new skins or hair.
So, that leaves dwarf, which I'm semi-partial to if only because dwarf DKs are rare and dwarf female DKs even rarer. This is what I churned out, she doesn't look half bad.
Horde, on the other hand, is more of a difficult choice. Racially, I guess orc is supposed to be superior. I'm not sure I want an orc, but if I did she might look something like this:
I'm really on the fence about tauren. I think female tauren DKs are probably going to be rare and I think their racials are decent, plus I have to admit I'm an absolute sucker for the white/blue option they have.
As much as I really, really, really don't want a BE DK solely because between having a BE warlock and a BE paladin I am sick to death of their animations they have some really cool options. I'm particularly fond of the dark skin color (shown here with blue hair, although, it looks really nifty with white hair too). The paler skin is okay, I guess, but I think I prefer the dark. (More blue hair!)
I am seriously considering a troll DK and have been for a while. I love trolls and the only one I have is a hunter I never play. Sure, their racials are probably the weakest of the bunch, but with the way Blizzard keeps changing racials I'm not sure it matters ultimately. I'd originally chosen this look, it just really appeals to me for some reason:
However, after seeing a troll NPC DK with pale skin and hair, I don't know, this kind of looks cool too:
I still think I like the darker skin though.
So, I don't know. Every time I look at the almost black-skinned BE options I think I really want to make one purely for looks, but BE DKs are so abundant. I hate being like everyone else. :( Mostly, I hate that I have to settle for the least ghastly of the looks for Alliance while for Horde I'm having trouble choosing between half a dozen looks. Sometimes I think I should go with my originally planned dark blue Draenei DK, especially because if I got the Baron's mount for her she'd look totally badass. Case in point:
I just don't know!