mostly for grinnellians/my own benefit

Jan 27, 2006 22:41

Welcome to this Smounker bathroom! My name is Nora Skelly and I am running for re-election as Smounker senator. I live in Younker Pit South and hail from Arlington, Virginia. I’m a political science major/Latin American studies concentrator. I also enjoy finding time to read for fun, knitting, Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, and long walks on the beach - but I digress.

I believe that a semester of experience as your senator makes me a worthy candidate to continue serving your interests. I devoted my time to Joint Board last semester by attending every Joint Board meeting, consistently emailing SGA information to Smounker residents, holding regular hall councils, and going door-to-door (with cookies!) to hear your opinions. I will continue to do all of this and more. After serving on Election Board, I glimpsed the inner workings of student initiatives and now hope to learn more about another aspect of Grinnell student life this semester by working with a different committee.

I love Grinnell and I’ve also come to love Younker and Smith. I want to make sure you have a voice on this campus so you can live in a productive and enjoyable environment. Your feedback is essential and I hope to get to know more of you this semester.

Issues I hope to pursue this semester include availability of shuttles and campus transportation, the allocation of vacant campus space, the sexual assault policy, and the definition of self-governance; issues whose merits and weaknesses I would love to discuss with you. Above all, I want to hear from you. If this campus is apathetic, it’s not because no one cares. We’re apathetic because we think we have no influence. However, SGA had several successes last semester, including the re-implementation of Grab & Go, arranging early second semester return, and adding the new Bucksbaum P-Card reader. I always appreciated and was impressed by your input. I can’t promise a particular stance on any given issue, but I can promise to respond to your thoughts and involvement on this campus.

It would be an honor to be given a second opportunity to represent you. If you have any concerns or questions about what type of candidate I am or anything else, I’d love to hear from you. Email me, give me a call, or just stop by - I’ll even make you tea. And vote for me on Monday, January 30th!

Thank you,

Nora Skelly
Younker 9013 (Pit South)
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