So. Armed with a spoon and a bottle of water, I set out on what was to be a highly exciting adventure to find the gym, where our exams are being held! In theory, anyway.
First stop - Clephan building to get my Novel assignment back! Just like last time, the "tutorial" lasted all of 2 minutes; the tutor (who wasn't even the one who marked my essay) read out the feedback and asked if I had any questions. And as I didn't, there wasn't anything to discuss so I was sent on my way. Next stop: the entrance, to meet Olivia so we could move onto the next stage of our adventure, i.e. to the food court for nummy lunch.
I had to get some money out first, but the first ATM was broked and there was a huuuuge queue for the other one :/ So we ended up standing around in the sun for like, 10 minutes. BORING. I hate the sun DX And I only wanted £10 but the machine was like "lol no, I don't have any £10 notes. Enter the amount you want in the box below" ONLY THE KEYPAD WAS BROKEN. So although I typed "£20", the amount that showed up in the box? £2220. I was like WAIT WHAT NOOOOOOO *cancelcancelcancelcancel* *deep breaths*
So yeah. I eventually got my money, then it was onto the foodcourt~ Mmm, pizza baguette. I haven't one in aaages, I'd forgotten how yummy they are ^^ Then after that, to the shop for Ben & Jerry's! We'd already decided that ice cream was a must, as Olivia put in her journal:
It'll probably be an adventure. We'll probably get lost. There'll definitely be ice cream involved.
I realised this morning that there was a slight flaw in this plan. Where exactly did ice cream fit into our adventure? Then Olivia had the genius idea of going to Newarke Houses Museum and eating it in the gardens there. The best thing about this museum? FREE ADMISSION! \o/ Srsly, I didn't even know such a thing existed. So yes, went and sat in the garden of the museum (it was a very nice garden) and ate a whoooole tub of Phish Food ice cream :3 I'm such a piggie lolol.
After that we explored the actual museum. Usually I'm not that interested in museums - only certain points in history interest me so general museums (or the dumb Roman museum in CB) are boooring. However Olivia pointed out that this one had a reconstructed WW1 trench :3 :3 :3 Basically the museum focuses on 20th Century Leicester and the history of The Royal Leicestershire Regiment, so there were loads of different sections. It was well exciting! They also had a reconstructed 1930s (or was it 1940s?) highstreet with an actual cobble pavement. It was epic Oh and the WW1 trench? Was AWESOME. Obviously it's not the first one I've been in, but it was one of the best. I went into the dugout, and was nosing around, checking out the bunks and stuff, and near gave myself a heart attack - there was a mirror half behind a curtain (to give the effect that the dugout is even deeper, apparently), and when I moved to the side I saw my own reflection and jumped about a mile in the air, thinking someone else was there! This is why I don't like small, cramped areas; they make me jumpy! D:
Oh, and another thing that made me jump - I was looking at the various display cases, looking at the medals and gas masks and other such interesting artifacts, when suddenly LOL STUFFED DOG. DDX It made me jump so bad, it was staring at me, and I thought it was real for a minute D: WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO STICK A STUFFED DOG IN A DISPLAY UNIT??? Just because soldiers 'adopted' dogs as rat catchers doesn't mean you need to show an example! I'm sure we're all perfectly capable of imagining a dog. >:
There was also a tiger skin cloak thing :/ Poor tiger. OH AND, this was in the Boer War section (I think) - Olivia was lol-ing at me going "ewww!" over this tiger head that was in the display cabinet, and then I read the note next to it: blahblahblah hunting was a favourite pastime blahblahblah this tiger head has been made into a snuff box. And indeed, it was on wheels, and had a lid in its head!! GROOOOOOOOSS. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT.
So uh yeah. Museum was funky! Now to the actual point of this adventure...finding the gym. There was much panic the other day when Olivia asked me where it was, as I'd assumed she knew and was going to tell me. Lol no. I remembered one of other friends mentioning that it was near-ish her accomodation, so I told Olivia to get me there, and then we would wander around until we found it. Rather disappointingly, we found it in about 3 minutes. What an anticlimatic end to our adventure! Oh well, at least we know where we're going now ^^
And then after that we went to Iceland 'cause I needed some stuff. I now have ketchup, which means I can have pasta again! \o/
I got home to find an email from Facebook, saying that Higgy had written on my wall. I thought, aww how nice to hear from her! But then. BUT THEN. "[stalky ginger] says fix ur fone". ;_; WRY YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THIS, HIGGY. Oh well. She also told me to write about bumsex, as it will get me good marks. o_O I'm not sure what she thinks I'm studying, but naymind.
And to end this ridiculously long post, a couple of Vampire Knight AMVs that Olivia made! They were a joint effort, in that I suggested some songs/spammed her with music and audio clips and told her to include them XD They make me lol, anyway.
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Poor Aidou. Lololol.
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