[RP] This LJ seems to have turned into a random place to stick fic.

Dec 08, 2013 01:02

Well that was an eventful session.

Have you ever felt the future is the past, but you don't know how...?
A reflected dream of a captured time, is it really now, is it really happening?

This was not the first time Loy had worn a blonde wig for dinner with one of Rose's suitors. They weren't very alike, but with good makeup and low lighting she could pass well enough. As long as the suitor never met the real Rose.

A slight miscalculation over that had been their reason for leaving Granmark in the first place...

Her job was to put the suitor off, in whichever way seemed to her most effective or indeed comedic. In this instance, she was not doing it. Rose would have to marry at some point, and it seemed to Loy that Lord Pride Irgen, with his connections, his money, and his obvious disinterest in anyone in skirts, might actually make a rather convenient spouse.

If they could get over the minor problem of substituting the correct Rose back in without him noticing. And sadly, unlike most men he had actually been looking at the face.

Dread to think what might be stirring, that my dream is reoccurring
Got to keep away from drifting, saving me from myself

She still wasn't entirely sure what on earth they were doing in the back end of nowhere, with nothing between them and the cold northern sea but a hundred miles of infested swamp.

(Loy hadn't bothered to pay attention to exactly what the swamp was infested with. If it turned out to be savage monsters from the Age of Myths, that would probably be an improvement on the usual mosquitos.)

They seemed to have assumed a connection between the surname 'Owlsroost' and the placename 'Owl's Crossing' that they had no evidence for whatsoever. Somewhat to her complete astonishment, they had turned out to be one hundred percent correct.

Loyalty knelt under a bush outside the Owlsroost estate and idly held a mirror up to the prowling servants.

Then she scrambled quickly backwards and made hell-for-leather for the inn that they had hired.

"It would appear," she told the others when she got there, "That we have a minor problem."

Lost in a dream of mirrors, lost in a paradox
Lost and time is spinning, lost a nightmare I retrace

All the way back to Granmark, they had seen the mirror soldiers. A few attached to every merchant caravan; servants and traders to normal eyes, but their reflections bristling with weapons. This, then, was the army that they had expected. If only they had seen them before.

Lord Caliphus was not at the Cartographer's Guild. The palace was locked down. Finally, in desperation, Lady Rose had sought an audience with Valor Joven; and been granted.

He just nodded at the news, as though it were not entirely unexpected. Then he stood, as if to go speak with his staff. "Please wait here," he told Rose.

"Not you, Loy. I would like you to come with me."

All my hopes and expectations, looking for an explanation
Have I found my destination? I just can't take no more

"I had hoped you would be far away, out of all this, when this happened," Valor told her. She declined to comment on the showing his planning had made so far. "As it is, I have a difficult decision to make, and I would like to know what you would do in my place."

"So you're going to hand off this difficult decision to your unacknowledged child?" Even by the standards of the father who had abandoned her to Vigilant's mercies, that was rich.

"Of course not, that would hardly be honourable. I will make the decision for myself, within the hour. But I respect your judgement."

Loy turned that sentence around in her mind a few times, and decided that it basically meant 'Yes'. "Go on."

So he told her.

The decision seemed obvious to one trained to assist Lady Rose; so obvious that she wondered if there were a subtlety she was missing. "I know little of war," she pointed out. However much she might know of death by other means.

"War is terrible," Valor confirmed. He thought for a moment. "Imagine all your friends lined up in a row..."

She almost laughed in his face. "Well, that was quick," she commented instead, and enjoyed seeing him wince.

Am I still inside my dream? is this a new reality
Something makes me feel that I have lost my mind

They had added the Marquez wealth to what could be looted from the Villefontaine town house, and liberated most of the Guild's library to boot. It was just as well Granmark was about to fall or their trial would be celebrated in songs down the ages, most of them ending in doleful ghosts.

The dream is true

On the bright side, nobody was going to worry too much about Rose's marriage anymore.


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