When we left Hyun Woo (or Hyun Wu...the subtitles seem to like using 'Hyun Woo' for some reason) last time, he was doing this to a random girl's ass:
Because last time, he saw her with two different men. Full details
here. His victim, Soo In (or Su In), amazingly does not react negatively at all. In fact, she reacts by going from
"Dull Surprise" to gleefully playing on to his expectations of her. Despite that she's only seen him twice, and she has NO idea HOW he's followed her all the way from campus, waited until she left the employee area of the bar, and also, she HAD no idea as to why she was suddenly grabbed forcefully, being told she is a slut and getting groped by this guy.
Seriously, when I expressed shock and concern over this, a few of my friends argued that it's actually a turn on. In fact, it was mainly, "But he is SO handsome! Plus it gives a sexy edgy line into their meeting!"
Me on the outside:
Me on the inside:
Okay, I'm not one to hold anything against that reasoning. Alot of times I read BDSM and even supernatural/vampire internet stories that arguably show a male or female being forceful--but in the defense of those stories...at least they showed the unwilling participant as actually human--in terms of reactions, thinking, and actual emotion. In this show? It feels alot less like fantasy, especially when the guy is trying to PUNISH the girl for no real reason. He doesn't see her as a PERSON.
And yet the next second, Soo In takes the money in front of her and whispers to him:
Soo In, I swear to god, you don't know what kind of hell you're playing with.
THANKFULLY, Hyun Wu only smiles (rather than assault her some more) but right there in that scene he's got the fucking crazy eyes going on. Soo In simply smiles and walks away to do her rounds, leaving Hyun Wu to go all, "HUUURRR, What is with this chick?"
Fuck you, Hyun Wu. I almost agree with that statement but you're sounding it off like she's the only abnormal freak.
So anyway, he winds up invited to some ritzy pool party where it's all black tie and has some cabaret dancers. College deans and professors are all there, and again, we got Hyun Wu acting like he's SO VERY DISAPPOINTED ON THAT SUPPOSED WHORE GIRL. Dude, stop fucking obsessing over her. You're the one who put her in some pedestal.
Anyway, lo and behold, we see the school dean coming in with much pomp, and with Soo In holding onto his arm.
And of course, Hyun Wu looks so MUCH disappointed, so disenchanted, despite that he had said nothing to her except to purposely humiliate her. For no reason at all, mind you, unless he probably wanted to bone her behind his fiance's back. That's all I'm getting from his acting, sorry scriptwriters.
Hyun Wu wastes no time finding her alone and throw her questions, like how she's gotten the gall to go anywhere near this party. Again, Soo In does NOTHING but smile knowingly and act like his entirely disparaging behaviour is nothing.
Then, shock horror! The Dean collapses! From a heart attack! Soo In immediately runs to his body and starts administering CPR, even helping the paramedics like a pro.
And of course, Hyun Wu looks at her like she's the freaking Holy Mary.
You think that maybe FINALLY, he realises that she's a good person and deserves not only his respect, but also a very deeply-sincere apology?
Think again.
With all the commotion, Hyun Wu was only able to stand by while the girl gets inside the ambulance with the School Dean. She drops her own set of keys. Which he picks up. Since the party ended in such a disaster, he goes back home to his fiance's dorm. His fiance's a sweet kid, and when she wakes up from her books, she's pretty much all smiles and tenderness. Then Hyun Wu drops the keys as he heads for the bathroom. Confused, the fiance bends down to get it when Hyun Wu rushes down and snatches it out of her reach.
Then he gives her a most arrogant smirk, "It's NOTHING." He said, a sentence that ends in a pushing tone.
Yeah. Not only is he a dick to strangers, he's also a dick to his own fiance. Great.
So at that night, he ignores his girl and decides to walk alone to the library and cram...I have no idea why, considering how it's only the beginning of Episode 3 and a day seems to have only passed since the first day of semester. Then he finds Soo In at the library--turns out she's an actual student, who is being suppourted by her widower of a father while he works in a restaurant and living in a trailer somewhere. After the party, she goes to her dorm only to find her roommate's already using it to sleep with her significant other (What the hell??I was told way before I became an adult to get a room in a motel-you NEVER do that to your friends). So she decides to head to the campus's 24/hour library to spend the rest of the evening.
Hyun Wu sees her and decides that she needs more belittling.
I'm not even joking.
For the retarded scriptwriter who wrote him/herself into this, they wrote Hyun Wu greeting Soo In with this sentence:
Shut the fuck up, Hyun Wu.
Soo In coyly exclaims that of course she can. In fact, she comes here very often. She then teases Hyun Wu that the reason why was because "She always *dreamed* in marrying a law student."
Hyun Wu: "Just leave quietly before I call security."
Yeah, we apparently can't have slut cooties infecting the students.
So what does Soo In do?
Okay, sorry, that honestly floored me. A guy treats a girl worse than shit every time he sees her, and the girl flings herself onto him.
Nice fucking try, scriptwriter. I hope you die penniless.
And of course, our hero has to be all DIGNIFIED and wipe her arms off of his books with such cold disgust. Soo In continues to act all fucking perky and cute and flounces off to get her bag, and settles in on some easy chair to nap with a blanket.
Then ASSHOLE (Hyun Wu) realises he still has her set of keys, then starts acting all, "Awww, I better get this slutwhorebitch her keys back~. She wouldn't know what to do once she notices their absence~~"
So he sits down on the chair next to her.
And clears his throat expectantly.
Soo In doesn't budge. Hyun Wu responds by CONTINUING to be an insufferable assand condescendingly asks her over how she can sleep in a library because and I quote “It's a LIBRARY. A 'holy' LIBRARY.”. Again insinuating that she's too tarnished to even be inside a public domain of LEARNING.
Soo In continues to be fucking cryptic and plays along, and he casually gives her back her key chain--that is, until Soo In actually asks him why he can't figure out who she actually is, and jokes that since his logic isn't that great, it must mean he's having a hard time in his course. With that, she lays her blanket over her head to rest. Which Hyun Wu reacts by smiling and chuckling like it's such the darndest thing. Then literally rips the blanket off of her and walks away without comment.
I'm sorry, I would NEVER touch this guy with a ten-foot pole.
So he studies, does some learning development which I honestly can't give a f*ck about, because if this guy succeeds in getting a career in law he would be a fucking monster towards female clients in cases of rape, assault--hell what if a woman hires him as a divorce attorney? Fucking hell.
The rest of the filler for the episodes are mainly secret messages that read like this : “GO TO HARVARD. BE STUDY MACHINES. CONFORM. OBEY. ITS EASY TO STUDY IN EVERY SINGLE HOUR. LAW AND BIOLOGY ARE THE ONLY RELEVANT SUBJECTS.”
So yeah, it also looks like Hyun Woo only associates himself with weird modern white yuppies who instantly look at him as a 'disadvantage' in joining in their study groups (and at the same time, callously add over how they should ask his korean rival (which is pretty much a hashed-up 'Miles Edgeworth' kind of guy) to join instead. Because apparently you have to be perfect to be accepted by your peers. Time doesn't seem to pass at all here-it literally looks like the semester has only started a couple of DAYS ago.
At the same time, maybe they actually know how much of an asshole he really is and are just thinking of excuses.
So yeah, more bullshit with Hyun Woo interacting with his rival. Further pressing the point that the scriptwriter has been playing WAY too much of Phoenix Wright: Defense Attorney. And then it turns out the rival falls for Soo In, but is miles away from being an asshole like Hyun Wu because he wasn't engaged, and hasn't slut-shamed her. He still is a severe Type-A guy who, if he's not a Stepford robot, would wind up crashing and burning in two years from all the 100% studying he's doing all the time (he even goes as far as “I like being fast, why should two people waste time talking when we're clearly busy at studying". This is when he's propositioning Soo In for a date. And no, he wasn't joking.)
So yeah, a few hours later, Hyun Wu sits down in a cafe to have a rare moment with his mousy and perpetually cheerful fiance. Turns out the fiance has met Soo In through her relative (the shirtless guy who Soo In was seen with) , and has invited her over for lunch with them. She asks if he's met her yet and sees Soo In passing by outside and points her out to her fiance.
Hyun Woo's reaction? Have 5 minutes of slow-motion eye sex with Soo In, then all of a sudden grab his fiance by the wrist and drag her out of the booth without warning or provocation. Oh, wait a minute, it turns out he's trying to escape out of the restaurant before Soo In bumps into them.
Ah-ha. So now who's fucking ashamed, Hyun Wu? I guess you happened to actually get through the Scarlet Letter, or maybe you've been to a class that discussed rape cases and about how callous shits like you ruin the lives of many victims.
So yeah, instead of demanding to Hyun Wu as to why he literally dragged her outside, or tell him to cut his shit and stop hurting her; she greets Soo In like literally nothing's happened. Soo In simply nods and heads on inside ahead of them, and Hyun Wu's fiance randomly decides to explain to him Soo In's entire backstory or some shit.
Right here. This is HOW Hyun Wu finally realises his mistake. His own fiance has to tell him (in a fake, happy and perky fashion, as if she's bizarrely trying to show this girl off), because he's physically and mentally incapable of even asking Soo In AT ALL.
So it turns out Soo In's a third-year med-student, who goes out of her way EVERYDAY to help the professors and deans so none of them would keel over from cardiac arrest. And she gives them physical exams whenever she can, from in the middle of the day to the middle of the night,and even escorts them at parties if their health is SO fragile.
And OF COURSE these old guys are SO grateful, hence the whole 'sweeping off her feet' and 'thankful kisses' from the first episode.
Someone gag me.
I'm still sincerely glad over how the fiance hadn't continued to say, "And she hates the idea of sex! And wears a chastity belt too! I also got her phone number! Her measurements are 37-23-38! Her bra size is 38B!"
So yeah, as soon as she finishes and leaves Hyun Wu getting his 'relevation', she inexplicably heads back inside and tells Soo In that now's the wrong time, they might have to take lunch at some other time. And then...just leaves Hyun Wu by the door without even a comment or a meaningful expression or anything.
At least the TWERP acts ashamed at himself. He approaches her, sits down at the booth and HOLY SHIT HE APOLOGISES.
*says between gritted teeth* WELL THAT WASNT SO FUCKING HARD, WAS IT HYUN WU?!
Could've been better though.
So of course Soo In stays fucking cryptic. AGAIN. Prompting Hyun Wu to ask all fucking surly as to why she had let him think of her like that.
No, you didn't just “think of her like that”, you actively stalked and sexually assaulted her. Then, even when you saw her saving some guy's life, you condescendingly tell her that she's not fit to even be in a public area.
Let me say it clear, buddy; only you decided she's a whore. AND YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE HER ALONE.
Seriously, I'm glad the rest of the show showed him cramming for lectures, because otherwise if he'd continued to see her around, it'd be scene after scene of him treating her like a dog.
And...oh fuck, here is Soo In's answer.
"Tee hee! I like being treated like scum!"
Seriously, I'd be okay if they quoted Jackie Chan from Rush Hour. The one speech when he explains why he likes to pretend he doesn't understand english so he can figure 'how full of shit people are.'
But no, Soo In treats it all like a game. Not just being labelled a hooker, but being given money and touched roughly by a random stranger, who's decided to stalk her and HATE HER. For NOT living up to HIS standards.
Oh god, I can't believe they decided to be 'friends' here. Eventually, Hyun Woo breaks off his engagement with his fiance (who only appears three times in this season) and goes off dating with Soo In as if it's all totally gravy.
That is, until she graduates and decides to call it all off, and then work for WHO or something. Which what makes Hyun Woo furious with her when she comes back in the second season.
Yeah, this show's retarded. Not only is it a blatant propaganda where every korean adult has 'super brain power' and can get job offers just days after their first undergrad semester, but it also shows girls who are educated, intelligent, and sacrificing; nonetheless wind up being treated like hookers and 'liking it'.
Yeah, I'm not seeing the couple's relationship as healthy. At all. And I hope to god barely anyone watched this stupid show, because I don't want any person coming off with the idea that it's okay to do this:
And think, "HUURRR, it's all fun and games."
Fuck this, I'm gonna go watch some old noir.