Rules: Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following. They MUST be real places, names, things...NOTHING made up! If you can't think if anything, skip it. You can't use your own name for the boy/girl question.
Your Name: Elena
Famous Artist/Band/Musician: Evanescence
Four Letter Word: Evil
Color: Ebony
Gifts/Present: Encyclopedia of Cats
Vehicle: Explorer
TV Show: ER
Country: Ethiopia
Boy Name: Evan
Girl Name: Evangeline (Evie)
Alcoholic Drink: Emerald Isle Cocktail
Occupation: Economics proffessor
Flower: Enchanter's Nightshade
Celebrity: Emma Watson
Food: The Incredible Edible Egg!
Something found in the kitchen: Esspresso Maker
Reason for Being Late: Emergency!
Cartoon Character: Ed, Ed or Eddy.
Something You Shout: "Eek! A bee!" (Lame, I know.)
That was more fun that it should have been.