I texted a number that I assumed was yours. You probably didn't recognize my number if it was your number. So I asked if you wanted to see Albert Hammond Jr.'s band (the guitarist of the Strokes with the cool fro). He's on this Tuesday at House of Blues. And I'd like to go to this Harry and the Potters. Who would've known you would have to convince me to go with you to a Harry Potter related event! You're going to the release party for the movie and the book with me!
Yeah my phone doesnt work, again. My bro hasnt been able to pay his half. Yeah I'd like to go see Albert. Hehe. Sweet. They're really cool. I think they're are from Mass. Its cute cos they are going to play at a library. Haha, I so can't wait to go to the release. I read all the books out [finaly] and sososososososoooooooooo stoked about the last book/other movies. WOOOOOOOOOH!
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