I literally just read the issue, so I thought I'd give you my impressions here.
First thing I noticed was Willow calling Dawn "[Buffy's] sister" and I found it odd. It made sense, though, when they mentioned not being to remember Dawn's name anymore. At first I thought their reaction to this realization seemed pretty cold because tbh I don't think the art is very clear on facial expressions. (Ugh do not talk to me about the art.)
Spike was being super decent in putting aside any grievances with Xander to let him talk to Dawn. I didn't entirely buy Xander being like "even if Buffy doesn't remember you, I will" because I'm like NUUUUU NO ONE IS CLOSER TO DAWN THAN BUFFY, but I can accept that Xander is certainly sincere. :P
Still hating that Dawn is being victimized. :||||| EVIL EYE, COMIC WRITERS. EVIL EYE. I'M WATCHING YOU.
I like that Buffy and Willow finally had a bit of a talk about their grievances! Or rather Buffy not trusting Willow and having reason to. And feeling abandoned because Willow went off on her magic odyssey when Buffy really would've needed a friend. The talk was too short and unsatisfying, though. But oddly enough I think that about basically all the comics scenes. I wonder if it's my lack of familiarity with US comics or if there really is something to it. A bad storytelling thing. Hmm.
Gotta say, though: LOVE the adventuring, world-saving tag team of ladies! Ahhh I always love it when ladies go off to badassery together. GO TEAM BUFFY AND WILLOW.
Xander is still kind of an ass. But what else is new.
The demon that made vampires. Hmm. I wonder if this will in any way be satisfying, or if they're rolling the drum a lot now only to have everything resolved too quickly and too easily. Probably the latter, I fear. Still, it's an interesting twist.
I complained a lot, but I liked this issue! Excited to see what comes next.