You've Got A Friend 2/3

Aug 25, 2011 20:52

Author: laotse4

Pairing: Sam/Rachel

Rating: PG-13/T

You’ve got a friend

The two of them were walking out of the green room together they were going to meet up with both set of parents and make the formal introductions but both Sam and Rachel had a feeling that they already had introduced themselves to each other and probably right now were sharing embarrassing stories of them as kids. Sam shudder just at the thought of that, he remembered the one time that he had been late from football practice one time and Rachel somehow had been roped into looking at baby pictures of him with his mother, but had been kind of nice seeing that his mother was getting along with Rachel and that they actually talked to each other. He himself loved both Leroy and Hiram and he hoped that they would get along with his parents.

“Daddy.” Rachel yelled as she had heard him say something, and that woke Sam from his daydreaming, “you can’t tell them that.” Sam was just smiling, he had been right.

“So I guess that you have met, each other.” Sam said and looked at his father, he was the one that Sam was most nervous about meeting both Leroy and Hiram.

“Yeah, and why didn’t you tell me that your girlfriend’s father was one of my old college friends.” Joseph asked as he looked at Sam, Sam looked just as confused as he felt.

“I, I..” Sam started, he really tried to figure out what to say, and then he saw the look on his father’s face and Leroy’s, and the four parents broke out in a laughter. “it’s not funny.” And as Sam looked at Rachel he could see that she was smiling and that she also was about to laugh and that made it all okay.

“don’t be a spoilsport.” Tammy said and she ruffled his hair, just like she had done when he was younger. “And you should know better.”

“So…” Sam said, and it all started to get a bit uncomfortable at the moment, they all got along but sometime it’s not the easiest thing to find something to talk about.

“You two were great.” Leroy said as he gave Rachel a hug and kissed the top of her head before she was passed on to Hiram that repeated the process. Rachel looked at both of her fathers and Sam could tell that she was about to ask them about something.

“Mum, dad, why don’t we go and get something to drink to all of us before we walk back to the hotel, I’m pretty sure that Rachel needs something to drink.” His parents looked at him, curiously about what this was all about and he looked at Rachel and the girl nodded.

“I’ll tell you on the way.” Sam said and gave Rachel’s hand a squeeze before he left with his parents.

“Did you see her?” Rachel asked, she didn’t feel like saying her name, she hoped that they would understand what she was asking them but sometimes they were a bit dense.

“See who?” Hiram asked, he had an idea on what Rachel was asking them but he wanted her to say her name.

“You know who I mean.” Rachel said she didn’t want to back down but she had a feeling that she would in the end.

“That might be true.” Leroy said and sat down, at a table and showed them that they also should sit down. “But you need to tell us so that we all know that we are talking about the same thing.” Rachel sighed, why did her fathers have to be so, well she couldn’t find the right word at the moment and she hated that.

“Did you see Shelby?” She asked in almost a whisper to them.

“I think so, I can’t be sure that it was her.” Leroy said and looked at Rachel, he almost wished that Sam was here right now, to support his daughter, but he guessed that the blonde boy was telling his parents. Leroy was impressed with the ability that Rachel and Sam had to communicate without using words, he and Hiram hadn’t had that knowledge this early in their relationship.

“Rachel?” As the young brunette heard her name, she froze, she had been pretty sure that she had seen her but she never thought that she would see her again or well talk to her. Rachel didn’t say a word.

The silence was uncomfortable, no one really knew what to say.

“I just wanted to tell you that you were great up there.”

Hiram looked at Rachel, waiting for her to say something but she didn’t say anything. “Rachel, what do you say?”

“Sorry, dad.” Rachel said and turned to Shelby. “thank you.” And then she looked at her dad. “Happy?”

“Very.” He said and then he turned to Shelby. “Why don’t you sit down for a minute or two.” Rachel was about to leave the table, she didn’t want to talk to Shelby or even be near her at the moment, where was Sam when she needed him. As Shelby sat down, Leroy turned to the child that was on Shelby’s lap playing with the older woman’s hair.

“Who is this little girl?” Leroy asked and smiled.

“This is Beth.” Shelby said and she turned to Rachel again. “You and that boy that you were singing with had great chemistry.”

“I would hope so.” Rachel muttered, she didn’t want to talk to her mother.

“I apologize for her behavior right now.” Leroy said and started to talk to Shelby and Hiram looked at Rachel, she could tell that he was a bit disappointed on her but she wanted Sam, he had promised her that she wouldn’t have to do this alone, and now he had walked away with his own parents.

Shelby turned to Rachel hoping that she could talk to her a little at least. “I mean it, you were really good, and the duet was really good.” She smiled at Rachel. “And I think that you know that I don’t say that if I didn’t think so.”

Rachel looked down on the table. “I know but I don’t feel like talking about it.”

“So how come that you and that boy were singing and not that tall boy from last year?” Shelby asked maybe this was a better topic to talk about, Shelby could see the smiles on Leroy’s and Hiram’s faces, and it looked like the taller of the two men wanted to tell the story.

“We won a duet competition and the prize was to sing the duet here.” Rachel said and she started to look around trying to see if she could find Sam, in the corner of her eye she could see how her daddy started to tell Shelby all about how she and Sam had won and what had happened, and she could see that Shelby was about to laugh.


“Sam?” Joseph asked as he saw a woman sitting with the Berry’s, Sam looked at his father and looked in the direction that he was pointing. “who is that?”

“Can you pay for this and take it back to the table.” Sam asked and handed his drink and Rachel’s to his mother, both of his parents looked at him, he sighed he had told them about Shelby, they couldn’t be that stupid right? “Remember what I just said.”

“Oh.” Tammy said and turned to her husband. “Pay for him, Rachel needs him.” Joseph scratched the back of his head, and then he realized why Sam was leaving, and in that moment he was even prouder of his son.

It didn’t take that many seconds for Sam to be next to Rachel, and before he sat down he whispered to her. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t here earlier, but I’m here now.” As he moved back he pecked her cheek and that earned him a small smile from Rachel.

“And you must be Sam.” Shelby said and stretched her hand, so that she could greet Sam.

“Yes, I am Sam.” Sam said and he gave the woman a polite smile before shaking her hand. “And I guess that you are Rachel’s biological mother, Ms. Corcoran.”

“yes.” Shelby said, and she knew that she didn’t have anything to say in whom Rachel was dating but he seemed like a nice boy but he was a teenager. “I was just telling Rachel how good I thought you two were.”

“Thank you.” Sam and he placed his hand on Rachel’s thigh, squeezing it lightly, just to let her know that he was there. “I’m just sorry that we didn’t manage to place but next year we will be in the top, they just have to wait and see.”

“I am sorry that you will, at least if the two of you continue on with this and you will both have the chance to be even better than this.” Shelby said with a smile, she was just about to say something more when Beth started to cry. “I guess that someone wants to leave. But it was nice to meet all of you and Rachel I hope that we can talk sometime.” Rachel didn’t say anything, Hiram looked at her wanting her to say at least goodbye to the woman. “I understand.” She said and she turned to Hiram and Leroy, “You have my number if you need to get in touch with me.”

When Shelby had left Sam moved Rachel so that she was sitting in his lap and he was holding her. “Are you okay?” She just nodded, not wanting to talk to him or anyone about it. He could see that his parents were on their way to the table.

“Hey.” Sam looked up and saw Mr. Schue at the table. “I’m sorry to disturb you but we are heading back to the hotel, and you need to come too.”

“Okay.” Sam said and helped Rachel of his lap, and took her hand as he stood up. “I’m sorry but we need to go.”


As they all arrived at the hotel, Sam was stopped by both Mr. Schue and Puck and he had an idea on what they wanted to know.

“What was all of that about?” Will asked as Sam had let Rachel go and she was now with Tina and Mercedes, he felt like they might be able to help her better than the three former cheerleaders.

“Yeah, was it her?” Puck asked and Mr. Schue looked at both Sam and Puck waiting for one of them to tell him what was going on.

“Puck, yes it was her.” Sam said as he looked at his teammate, and he could tell that he was about to ask something more. “And you should talk to Rachel about it if you want to know more.” Will Schuester looked at his two students, afraid that something was going to happen and they were going to start fighting but Puck took a step back.

“Is she okay?” Puck asked, and Sam looked at him.

“Who?” Sam asked, he didn’t know if Puck was talking about Rachel, Shelby or the kid.

“My hot little Jewish American Princess.” Puck said as it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Rach, will be fine, she just need to get her head around it.” Sam said and he wasn’t sure that she would, but he hoped that the evening that he had planned would make her feel better.

“What are you two talking about?” Will asked, he had thought that Rachel had been upset about the competition but it now appeared like there was something else that was bothering the girl.

“You didn’t see Ms. Corcoran in the audience?” Puck asked, he knew that. Mr. Schue had had a better look over the audience that they had from the stage.

“Shelby was in the audience?” Will asked surprised.

“You know they two of you can talk about that all you want.” Sam said before she started to walk away. “I for one is going to talk to Rachel.”

“Does she know?”

“Does she know what?” Sam asked as he looked at Puck, Sam had a feeling that he knew what Puck was talking about.

“About the tickets and dinner?”

“Tickets and dinner?” Mr. Schue asked, he was out of the loop but that wasn’t that strange after all.

“Yeah, Evans has night planned for my girl.” Puck said and Sam just glared at him, hoping that the other boy wouldn’t tell the teacher too much. Mr. Schue looked from Puck to Sam, almost trying to get inside the blonde haired boys head.

“It’s nothing big.” Sam said as he tried to tone it down, because he didn’t want everyone to know what was going on and by everyone be meant Finn and Quinn, he had no idea on how they would react, so far it had been okay, if you don’t count the small pokes that were shot in their direction in the beginning of their relationship but this was on a whole other level.

“Of course it’s big.” Puck said and turned to the teacher. “Sam, have tickets to some Broadway play and he won’t tell me or anyone else what play it is.” Sam wanted the earth to swallow him and spit him out later. “And before that there is some dinner somewhere.”

“Okay, you two can talk about that in the mean time I will go and find Rachel and hopefully, she will feel better so that I can get her to agree to this without giving too much away.” Sam said and left, he could feel a couple of eyes on his back, and the further away from Puck and Mr. Schuester he got the more he believed that there was someone else there looking at him.

As he was in the elevator, he sighed of relief, now the biggest question was if he would be let in the room to talk to Rachel, he didn’t really think that would be a problem but you never knew with those two.

He knocked on the door, hoping that it would be Tina or Rachel herself that opened the door then he would have a better chance to be let in. As the door opened he saw Mercedes standing there glaring at him, and he felt that he would need a great explanation to this, why he had stayed after and not gone with them.

“Is she okay?” Sam asked in a low tone, almost as a whisper, Mercedes rolled her eyes mumbling something about “white boy, doesn’t understand.” He looked at her, “okay I guess that you are mad at me but I just need to know that she is okay.”

“She will be fine, she is sleeping right now.” Mercedes said and looked at him before she continued. “I didn’t know that she would take not placing this hard.” That was when he realized that they didn’t know about her run in with Shelby, he wasn’t sure if he should tell the girl.

“you know Rachel.” Sam said, and looked down he couldn’t look at her then she would see that it was something else. “So can I come in, I just want to see her.”

“Sure, just don’t wake her.”

“Thanks.” Sam said as he walked in to the room and he saw that Rachel was laying on the bed holding a pillow close, he sighed as he walked up to the bed. He sat down on the end of the bed and took his shoes of and the tie and jacket that he had been wearing. “You two can leave if you want, I guess that you want to meet up with the rest of them.”

Both of the girls looked at him, then at each other trying to figure out if it was okay leaving Rachel alone with Sam, they knew that he was her boyfriend but sometimes you needed your friends and not the boyfriend.

“If it would feel better than I can promise that there won’t be any funny business.” Sam whispered to them as he didn’t want to wake Rachel.

“I kind of wanted to see Mike.” Tina said and gave Sam a small smile, “And I think that Kurt is here too.” Sam thanked Tina silently, the girl was more observant then he had thought.

“I could need some time with my best friend.” Mercedes said and then she turned to Sam. “if you need to leave before she wakes, you call one of us so that we can get back here, so that she won’t be alone when she wakes.”

“I promise.” Sam said and he could see the two girls leave and he laid himself on his side behind Rachel, and he put his arms around her and held her as she was sleeping, it didn’t take many minutes before the girl had turned around and had snuggled closer to him, and he smiled and kissed the top of her head. He didn’t worry about them being late for either the dinner or the show, if Rachel needed sleep then she would get her sleep.

About an hour later Rachel woke up, and she felt and warm, as she opened up her eyes, she could see her boyfriend laying on the bed with her, she looked up and saw that he had his eyes closed.

“Sam.” She whispered, and he opened his eyes, and looked at her and smiled, he leaned down and pecked her lips before she had a chance to say something more and she smiled when he moved back. “How long have I been asleep?”

Sam looked quickly at the clock on his phone, “About an hour, I came an hour ago and then you were already sleeping.”

“Sorry.” Rachel said and she nuzzled closer to him and he strengthened the hold he had around her, before he whispered to her.

“You don’t have anything to be sorry about.” Rachel couldn’t believe how lucky she was that had a boyfriend that cared so much about her, and what it seemed only her. “Do you want to and meet up with the rest of them?”

“Not really, I just want to stay her with you.” She said and she smiled at him, and she got a smile in return.

“Then we will stay her for a while…” Sam said, and he wasn’t sure on how he was going to break this to her, he could tell that she was comfortable. “…but I kind of have some plans for us later tonight that I don’t think that you would want to miss.” He never gave her a chance to say anything before he had his lips on hers, he smiled into the kiss, and he could feel that she did the same. Rachel could feel how he was nibbling on her lower lip and she gave him some more access to deepen the kiss.

As they broke apart, they were smiling, Sam had decided for himself that he wouldn’t push for anything that Rachel wasn’t ready, not today and not tonight, not after all that had happened. “As much as I would love to continue this, I think that you need to take a shower and I will do the same.”

“So are you leaving me?” Rachel asked as they sat up on the bed, he looked at her and she looked so small, he didn’t want to go but there was some things that he needed to fix and he couldn’t do that here.

“What do you say about this…” Sam said and placed his arms around her neck and interlaced his fingers behind her neck. “…I will go back to my room and grab whatever I need for tonight and my things for the shower and while I do that you start to take your shower and then we can leave.” Sam gave her a quick peck before he was of the bed and headed to the door. “I can promise that you won’t regret it.”

“Okay.” Rachel agreed but she wasn’t happy with the line of events that were happening, and that Sam had something planned that she didn’t know about, there had been some of those things in some of her previous relationship and they had never been good, but Sam was different right? She was starting to doubt herself and that was never a good thing.

“So I’ll see you soon.” Sam said as he opened the door but before he left he turned around. “And you don’t have to worry I am sure that you will like my surprise.”

She walked over to her suitcase and started to empty all of it on the floor as she tried to find something to wear tonight but she had no idea on what she should be wearing, why couldn’t Sam have told her something about where they were going. She just grabbed something before she headed to the bathroom to take the shower that he had suggested.

As she stood in the shower singing, a bathroom or a shower has great acoustics, so why not use it, she heard that someone opened the door and walked inside the room, she had no idea on who it was that was walking in, she stepped out of shower, calling for whoever it was that had entered the room. “hello?”

“Rach, so I guess that you are in the shower.” Rachel sighed it was Sam, she had almost hoped that it would have been one of her roommates, they might now where they were going but she had no such luck.

She walked out the bathroom, in a bathrobe, that she tied hard around herself as she saw half laying sitting on the bed with his legs crossed. “So where are we going?”

“I don’t think that I should tell you.” Sam said as he got up from the bed and walked up to her and gave her a kiss, but you should look in that bag over there.” He said and pointed to a bag that was laying on one of the other beds. “I think that would look really nice on you.” Rachel looked questioningly on him as he took of the shirt he was wearing and dropped it just outside the bathroom door before he walked in. “And now it’s my turn to take a shower.”

Rachel just stood there surprised to what just had happened, she took out whatever it was that was in the bag, and she saw that it was a beautiful, black dress that would reach about knee length on her but she had no idea where he had gotten the dress, she couldn’t help but to smile to herself. Sam seemed to be one of a kind, Rachel could still hear how the shower was running, so she grabbed the dress and walked to one of the adjourning rooms that they could use if the wanted and she changed into the dress and looked in the mirror, and she admired the dress.

As she walked back into the room where she had left some of the things that she needed, she saw that Sam had gotten out of the shower and he was standing in the middle of the room, with a pair of dark jeans half hanging on his hips, halfway buttoned up, with his shirt completely unbuttoned, she couldn’t help but look at him, he looked great, and to use one of his own words, he was indeed ‘ab-ulous’. He looked up and saw that Rachel was in the room and when he saw her he smiled, he was proud of the choice that he had made, she did look beautiful in the dress.

“you look beautiful.” He breath out as he walked closer to her and gave her a peck on the lips, and she used her thumb to dry of some of the lip-gloss that was left on his lips.

“You don’t look to bad yourself.” Rachel said and looked away, she could feel the blush on her face starting to show.

“So if you can wait a couple of seconds so that I can get ready.” Sam said and he started to button up the shirt before he turned around and buttoned the pants, he had left the button on top unbuttoned and he grabbed a jacket from the bed. “So we can go now, if you are ready?” Rachel just nodded, she had no words at the moment, but she hoped that she would find them soon, otherwise this wouldn’t be a nice night.

“So are you ready to go?” Sam asked as he walked up to Rachel and placed his arm around her waist and led her to the door, as the two of them were on their way out the door they ran into Tina and Mercedes, and both of them looked at the pair.

“So what are the two of you up too?” Mercedes asked as she eyed both of them and Rachel was about to answer when Puck came walking the hallway.

“Nice Evans, I didn’t think that you had it in you to make it happen.” Sam looked at Puck, hoping that he could stop the other football player before it was too late and the surprise was ruined. “So where are you taking her or more like what are you seeing?” Rachel looked from Puck to Sam.

“Don’t listen to him he has no idea what he is talking about.” Sam said and tried to get them to move on, he didn’t want to stay here much longer. The pair managed to get away but Sam could still hear them talking and he hoped that Rachel wasn’t listening to them.


“What are you talking about?”

“Sam is taking her out for a night on the town.” Puck said as he looked at the two girls that Rachel was sharing a room with. “all I know is that he has something planned that involve a Broadway show and a dinner I don’t know anything more than that.”

“he better not think that he can spend the night with her in our room.” Mercedes said, and looked at Puck. “And you better make sure that he won’t take her back to your room.”

“I don’t think that he is thinking of that.” Puck said, if he did he wouldn’t have asked her dads if it was okay to take her out tonight.”

“He asked them if he could take her out that is so old, Rachel should be able to choose herself and not her fathers.” Mercedes said and glared after the pair that she could see standing by the elevator.

“I think he just asked to make sure that they were okay with him taking her out here in New York.” Tina said, and looked at them and she could see that Rachel was smiling. “I think she is happy.”

“That is great, especially after the day she had.” Puck said and was on his way down the hallway to the room that he was sharing with Sam and Mike.

“What do you mean, Sam said something about that earlier too but no one is telling us anything.”

“It’s not my place to tell, you should ask Rachel when she comes back.”


They had taken a taxi to the restaurant that Sam had been recommended that he should take Rachel too from both of her fathers and his own parents had told him to take her. He walked up one of the waiters that was standing there, he still had his arm protective around Rachel’s waist.

“How can I help you?” the waiter asked as he looked at the two teenagers, and from what Sam could tell he must have thought that they were at the wrong place.

“A have reservation for two, under Evans.” Sam said and looked at him, not breaking any eye contact, not a shiver on the voice, he wanted everything to be perfect for Rachel.

“Okay follow me.” The waiter said and started to walk and Sam walked with Rachel as the came to the table, it was not in the best place in the restaurant but Sam didn’t care, it was after all a great restaurant and he hoped that Rachel would like it.

The waiter was about to pull out the chair for Rachel, but Sam stopped him and did that for her, he knew how to behave, and no one was going to change that for him.

“So can I get you anything to drink.” Sam looked at Rachel asking if she wanted anything before the order their food and she shook her head.

“I think that we would like the menus and after that we will see if we want any other drinks.” Sam said, and the waiter turned around and walked away to get some menus for them.

Both of the read what it was that they could order, and Sam looked at Rachel, and gave her smile before he reach for her hand and gave it a small squeeze. “Do you find anything that you would like to order?” Rachel nodded but when she saw the prices on the menu she was about to tell him that they should go somewhere else. “So why don’t you tell me what you want and then I can order for us.”

She told him what she wanted to order and Sam called for their waiter and placed the order, and then waiter looked at Sam like he was crazy, and Sam could tell that the waiter didn’t think that he would have the money for it and he didn’t care.

“So can you please tell me what you have planned.” Rachel said as they had the food in front of them and Sam just shook his head, smiling all the time. “please.” Rachel pouted, it normally worked for her with her fathers but it seem like Sam was somewhat immune to the pout at the moment.

“I want it to be a surprise at least until the dessert.” Sam said and smiled at her leaning to the side, as he was sitting in a 90 degree angle from her, he had moved around the table so that he was closer to her, and placed a kiss on her cheek. “But after that I will tell you and I can promise that you will love it.”

“if it is half as good as this then you are right.” Rachel said and leaned in to Sam’s hand as he caressed her cheek.

“I’m glad that you like this so far.”

They continued to eat and talk and Sam glanced quickly at the watch, he had on his arm, he could tell that they needed to order the desert if they didn’t they would probably be late and that was the last thing that he wanted them to be.

“I don’t want to stress you or anything.” Sam said as he looked at Rachel. “But I think that we should order our dessert.”

“You do know that stressed is spelled dessert backwards.” Sam could just smile, Rachel was really cute tonight and it seemed that the sleeping she had done earlier that day had made it all good.

“I know that but if we don’t there is a small chance that we might be late for the next part of this night.” Sam said, and took her hand. “And I think that you will like that part even more.”

“If you think that maybe we should place an order then.” Rachel said and wet her lips as Sam order something for the two of them that they could share. As they were sitting even closer together, Sam was trying to feed her but Rachel had nothing over for that and when she took a bite from the dessert, she could see how Sam took something from his pocket of the jacket that he had hanged on the back of his chair.

“So I knew that I wanted to take you out, and go and see a play.” Sam said and looked at Rachel, he was about to lose the nerve that he had tried to build up ever since the day that he had ordered the tickets, it had coasted him a bit but she was all worth it. “But I wasn’t sure on what play I was going to choose, I wanted it to be something that we both would enjoy.”

“You did what?” Rachel asked as she saw how he placed two tickets to a Broadway play on the table, she hadn’t seen just yet what play it was and it turned out that he had been right when he had said that she would like the second part to this night even more. She tried to take a look at the tickets to see what play that Sam had gotten them, tickets to but he placed his hand over them and took her hand with his free hand.

“I wanted to tell you why I got us tickets to this play, and when I do…” Sam said and smiled at her. “You will think that I am a nerd and just tell me to give you the tickets so that you can call someone to come and get you so that you and whoever you call will go instead.” Rachel shook her head. “So there for I am keeping them until we get there.”

evanberry, sam evans, glee, samchel, pg-13, you've got a friend, rachel berry

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