Title: On the Dissolution of the AngloJapanese Alliance
Author: lapaleuk1
Characters: England, Japan, America
Warnings: A little dark, no reall violence or blood though
Summary: How the break down of a friendship affected the lives of England and Japan and everyone else after. Also on F
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Comments 4
Looking forward to seeing more fic from you in the future! :D
I am biased against America myself, so I think it would not matter much coming from me if I said I didn't think you were bashing America. XD I feel the same way as England does in your fic, that America can be a very petulant child.
Sadly, I don't post fic very often, as most of my time is taken up by rping, but I do have the occasional inspiration. Glad you enjoyed it!
The tension, and the words (oh gosh your use of words is just perfect!) and it has such a dark atmosphere that's brutal but true. I love it, I love every single bit of this fic, how it's historical and realistic and oh my god ahhhhhuydheuwygdew You wrote this story beautifully my hat is off to you!
(Oh gosh just their last exchange when Japan told him what England had taught him; it's so heartbreaking because England was against it but he blames him as well and oh gosh England, just clinging onto lovely memories so desperately oh my god ahhhhhudhyewuydgef okay i'll stop gushing now orz)
I am reall quite pleased with it, though admittedly, I've had a lot of help, having, every time I re-wrote it a little, forced it on my friends to read over and give critism.
I really like historically accurate fic and I've started to become a little obsessive about how war affects them as people rather than just countries, I really like the dark psycology stuff.
I'm glad you enjoyed it <3
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