It's a new journaling service based on a branch of the livejournal code. It's handling some things differently and in ways I like better (explicitly separating the friends list into access and reading lists, no ads, etc., better interoperability with other journaling sites, etc.). It just went from closed beta to open beta last night.
Comments 4
It's a new journaling service based on a branch of the livejournal code. It's handling some things differently and in ways I like better (explicitly separating the friends list into access and reading lists, no ads, etc., better interoperability with other journaling sites, etc.). It just went from closed beta to open beta last night.
There's a good run down of the ideas behind it here:
Also it looks to be significantly more friendly to fans (one of the two folks who own it is one), than LJ has been in the past.
In any even you can go poke around their using your "" OpenID to login and create a reading list if you like.
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