Jul 13, 2009 13:30
I believe I'm gettin' bullied. By a sprout. Kanda's not even talkin'. Jeez guys... (ノ●゜Д゜● )ノ ==== ┻━━┻ Lenalee'd be nice! I'm gonna go find her out soon if you all can't take a joke'v mine.
-retreats to the sad corner-
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Destroy those pictures you have right now and I'll reconsider having to kill you.
(OOC: He's back now, I'm sorry for being a failure. D:)
[OOC: Heyyy Kanda, I wondered where you'd got to! :(! Glad you're back. c: ]
Explain this.
(OOC: Yeppp, Kanda muse refused to let me write him properly. D: We really need to log together sometime. xD)
(OOC: That we do~! I could try and think something up, creativity has been a bit lacking lately! D:>)
Destroy them. Now.
(OOC: xD I've been trying to post a log, but it never quite came into being... hmmmm)
(OOC: D:? Then, let it come into being! I'd love to log with you. c: As previously mentioned, only thing that stopped me was a lack of worth while ideas. -fail-)
... He better not have. Dammit, where is that brat?!
-still holding his arm-
(OOC: Irrelevant icon is irrelevant. xD B-but, the log was not working for me, so I couldn't post it because it contained bad crap! D:)
[OOC: Correction: Cute icon is freaking cute. I totally stole it. <3 Bad crap? Trust me, nothing beats my crap! Hm... maybe I should try and post a log... I am sort of a n00b at it though. ;; xD;;)
-glares up sideways at him and at the misplaced limb on his shoulder-
(OOC: Your crap? It exists? Looking at the awesome that you were writing in that log with Allen, I don't believe your crap is worse than mine. Do it! Post a log, goooo. Chances are, I'm worse. I worked on a log for 2 weeks and it still didn't work. xP )
[OOC: A-ah. >3<... Thank you very much! Now... where to begin? Should I mention I've never LJ rped before, let alone written a log. xD! May as well get the newbieness out in the open and on the table here.]
...starting now.
(OOC: That's alright, I'm sure you'll be fine! Just follow Allen's log formatting. Also, if you want, I can start the log. It'll just take longer and it'll probably be crappier, but since I've done LJ RP before, it might be better. If you want that is. :D)
(OOC: P-Please. <3 I'll have a go one day... in the future, repay you and all. Stfu, it won't be crappier, shhh. :3 I eagerly await it Yuusie-puushie~♪)
(OOC: Okay, I'll try to post it up fast. >__< I have no internet at home, so I have to live off of stealing internet from other places. xD A log between Lavi and Kanda, right?)
(OOC: And I thought I was the only one. <3 Used to snitch internet for so long. Wasn't stealing, since I had my own. Just... no wifi. xD; You got it, a loggg between Yuusie and bunnyboy~!)
-makes to punch him for being insolent xD-
(OOC: It's a record! Fastest log ever posted! Internet might not work very well from now on though. :/ )
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