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"Ukraine is game to you!?
This is a clip from an episode of the Emmy and Golden Globe Award winning TV series Seinfeld called "The Label Maker." It's one of my all time favorite pieces of Seinfeld writing because of the completely absurd humor behind it. In this clip, Kramer and Newman are playing Risk...on the Subway...because neither one trusts the other to leave the game unattended without cheating. They discuss the scenario on the board and Kramer denounces "the" Ukraine in a very over-the-top manner, which catches the ear of a man standing next to them, who just happens to come from Ukraine. Kramer's ambivalence leads to the man's anger escalating rather quickly, and the rest is history. I never expected the controversy that has come up over the misuse of "The Ukraine."
Now, nearly 8 years since I posted this, "the" Ukraine is being invaded by Russia and needs all the help it can get to remain sovereign. It will likely need a complete overthrow of its government to do so, as it is corrupt and in bed the Russian government. These are trying times and for whatever reason, this video has picked up a lot of steam. Please enjoy the video, but also please do what you can to support Ukraine and don't let it be sucked into the Gulag again." (