hey sweetness.. your letter arrived this morning... thank you. did mine arrive? I mailed it from Miami. I have added you.. will you add me back I will reply to your letter today xxx
We use to be penpals a few years back. I was wondering if you'd like to continue being pen pals now. I had to stop writing due to some personal issues which are now long gone. Let me know.
Just to remind you my name is Bianca and I'm from Houston Texas. You can read my profile if you want to know more. Email me at caiella@livejournal.com
That would be cool. Did you want to write the first letter. I am going out of town this weekend and wont have much time until next week. Either way is good with me though :)
Glad to hear that things are better and the personal troubles are long gone :)
Comments 32
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Its totally cool that you added me.
did mine arrive? I mailed it from Miami.
I have added you.. will you add me back
I will reply to your letter today xxx
I will add you back for sure!
I got your letter on Tuesday and replied Tuesday, but I havent mailed it yet. I will mail it on the way to work tonight. =)
email hevbell @ yahoo.com
Just to remind you my name is Bianca and I'm from Houston Texas. You can read my profile if you want to know more. Email me at caiella@livejournal.com
That would be cool. Did you want to write the first letter. I am going out of town this weekend and wont have much time until next week. Either way is good with me though :)
Glad to hear that things are better and the personal troubles are long gone :)
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