The Babylon 5 First-Timer's Watch Log.

Dec 20, 2014 00:10

The Long Night

So the predicted "Vorlons Vs Shadows, Everyone Else Is Stepped On" war is now underway and lots of worlds are rapidly becoming uninhabitable. Are we going to see the League's response to this? Please? Because that would be interesting.

Londo, you can be sorry G'Kar lost his eye, but he's right when he says you've an empty heart. You care more about him doing his part in your plan than you do for what he's going through.

...Even money says G'Kar was pissed enough to break full strength chains. Cos G'Kar knows how to channel anger like a blowtorch.

*sigh* Londo, when G'Kar said you have an empty heart, you can look at *Vir* to see what he meant. See all that anguish? The stuff you're NOT feeling? That's what he meant.

Holyfuck. An actual order to die fighting. There's something you don't see on TV every day. I'm not sure the plan, such as it is, is actually worth it. (I'm still thinking Garibaldi is Shadow tampered and maybe if they'd just convinced HIM it'd work out the same.)

*pats* It's okay, G'kar. Before you had that moment with the Vorlon, you'd have thought just as your people do. Horrible thing to look back at them and see just how fucked up you used to be, isn't it?

"To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield". Oh. That's why that was the Watchers' motto. *facepalm* Dear Jeff Ryan: CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING.

Into the Fire

I don't know about you, but God wanting all his kids in the same corner of the sandbox smacks of some bad shit about to go down to me.

um. Londo? Are you more upset that you were fooled, or are you more upset about what you did BECAUSE you were fooled? It's really hard to tell. Although I have to admit, at this point - while I still kind of like you - I have to admit that if I ever met you in person I'd have a full set of steak knives jabbed in all six of your soft parts before you finished saying hello.

That said, I find it impressive and noteworthy what you can do with a grudge. And it's not like Morden doesn't wholly deserve your imagination's utmost.

*BWAHAHAHA* Vir, who made the only wish that anyone on this show is actually happy about when it's granted. Wise, Vir. Wise.

...THAT was the plan? Get everybody together, rant at them until they realize they're being twits and voluntarily leave? Only on a TV show would that work. Try that on a mush and OH MY GOD THE OUTCRY. Wow.

Leaving Londo watching for falling anvils. Well, he's certainly got good reason.


It can has be party tiems nao. But why? There's still the screwup that is the Earth Government to sort out.

Oh and it seems the writers agree with me. I'm guessing the Shadows leaving is what's rattled EarthGov. Now if things stay true to running theme, then B5 is going to have trouble standing against its own home government because everyone ELSE wants to go home and rebuild, or has a fuckton of refugees to deal with. But I guess we'll see.


Ah, G'Kar, you're just...adorable. Really.

ahhh. So it was Earth, or possibly more probably, PsiCorps, that got to Garibaldi.

No. Not PsiCorps. The timing's too perfect and if his head's been messed with, Bester'd see it. So, EarthGov.

Oh hey THEY NOTICED THE WEIRD. Wow, that's unusual.

HI EVIL!CHEKOV. I adore every time you come on board. Although I have to admit the telepathophobia business really bothers me.

Four seasons in, I am still absolutely confounded trying to figure out how Delenn's hair would actually WORK.

Jezzofrickinchrist. Sheridan, Sinclair, EVERYBODY, your fear of telepaths is the single WORST aspect of this show. Y'all treat the telepaths like fucking dogs. Worse than dogs. EVEN DOGS ON YOUR OWN SIDE. I don't like Bester but I have to admire a guy who knows damn well that someone has to stick up for the telepaths because no one else is going to.

Ew. Slime leeches with eyeballs. I guess that time-skip vision of the future is still on track after all.

The Illusion of Truth

Oh. SO this is the next tactic. Earthgov has sent Fox News to Babylon 5.

I like this reporter though. He's intelligently slimy. Puts him ahead of at least half the talking heads on Fox.

*sigh* please tell me that Sheridan didn't pee his brains out in the morning and will see those camera's drives wiped on their way off the station.

Sheridan. You're a moron.

...By 'slip the truth in', did that reporter mean 'we try to make our lies so obvious you have to actively turn your brain off to believe them'?

Nooo. They meant "we will anticipate Fox News' idea of news by about ten years", it seems. Some creative storytelling though.

Just a small nit here; if ISN is HQ'd in Geneva, why does the image of Earth center on North America?

Yep. Garibaldi's pwned by Earthgov.

*sigh* I'm sure if I'd seen this when it first aired back in the 90s I'd have been utterly disbelieving that reporters would really lie this often, this thoroughly, with a smile on their face. But since this aired, Fox News. I'm used to and bored by the concept now. THE REPORTERS LIED, GOT IT, PLEASE CAN WE MOVE ON NOW.

and finally at the very end, what was probably meant as the reporter's thank you for letting him lie his damn head off; "OH BTW WE BURNED YOUR HOME TO THE GROUND AND YER AGING DAD IS A FUGITIVE". Yeah. That's ...can I just say I have no soft spots in my heart for lying reporters? I might've once, but - yeah. Fox News. Not anymore.


fandom: babylon 5

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