this post has 3 totally unrelated topics

Mar 18, 2007 02:00

in the spirit of saint patricks day and its closing hours, i just reflected on drinking. i spend time in parties of massive amounts of beer or liquor. ive sat in a sat for many nights. i could probably buy some right now. but i just dont drink. in trying to figure out why, ive come up with a few possible answers.
1. beers smell makes me sick. my dad used to brew beer in the house and i remember how gross it smelled and its copied in the bottle/ca of beer.
2. beer is caloric. liquor at least affords the less shots, less calories deal. a can of beer, lets say, averages 150 calories. if you pop back more than like 5 of those, thats an absolutely DISGUSTING number of calories for a female to take in. and drinking that many at night no less is just the most awful decision.
3. related to #2, beer gut. case in point.
4. one bad hangover. that one night with the tequila black and being sent home from work -- even thinking of my most beloved alcohol makes me a little "eh".
5. it's expensive for a poor person.
6. it makes you a total ass. this is a big one. i watch people look retarded all the time and not even realize they're doing it. i couldn't handle acting like that more than a few times in a whole year.

who knows.. im kind of a weirdo but drinking isn't for me.

eddie murphys delirious.
the end.

because of vacation and the need to feel better about life, i've been taking my diet by the reigns. i eat an energizing and or filling breakfast of one of four kinds of oatmeal, puffed rice cereal, or a bagel. and i just tried apple sauce. wow.

happy st. patricks.
yesterday, joe gredders.
today, poscillicos.
work both days.
presentation tuesday.
snow = fuck you.
-the loaded gun
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