Jun 15, 2014 23:39

I honestly don't know if anyone would be that interested, but I just sent the following message to all the Yahoo fan groups:

After a long hiatus, I wish to return to writing and finish three Works in Progress. I know it's been a long time, but these three stories have haunted me through the years. Because I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking, a voice recognition software program, I would ideally have two beta readers and a Brit picker. It would be absolutely lovely to have the same three people work on all three stories with me; however, as two stories are Snape/OFC and one is Snape/Granger that might be asking too much.

If anyone is interested, the three stories are as follows:

A Right Bastard - Snape/American OFC. The action is divided between Britain and America. It's pretty much a straight out love story that started as an answer to the Button Challenge by TPMM. It is canon compliant through Book Five and can be found here:

No Good Deed - Snape/American Muggle OFC. This story is canon compliant to Book Six. Snape has finally found a safe hiding place, but one good deed to a waitress and her child might be his downfall. It can be found here:

For Your Pleasure - Snape/Granger. It's an answer to the Gigolo Challenge by Betz. What more can I say? It is a rather complicated story and probably only has a few more chapters. I believe it is canon compliant through Book Five and can be found here:

If you think you might be interested, please send me an email off list. Just in case Yahoo no longer shows email addresses, it is LariLeeHAH on gmail.

Thank you for your time!


I finally have a computer that can handle Dragon NaturallySpeaking. I finally have time again. The plot bunnies have come out of hiding, a trifle dusty but tails twitching. And tonight, my Muse showed up, smelling of sex, then slammed a bottle of rum on my nightstand and said, "Let's do this, bitch!"

I really owe it to a negative review I got. I've reread the story in question and the strangest thing happened - it was better than I remembered. For once, I didn't let one bad review makes me question my ability to tell stories.Am I the greatest writer ever? Oh, hell no! Am I the greatest fanfiction writer ever? Again, hell no! But it is a solid story and one worth finishing.

And I'm going finish them. All of them. Though God help us all if I have to beta read them myself.

a right bastard, no good deed., for you pleasure

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