Fourth of July...July 3rd and 4th call or im me for info
1. What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?
2. What is your guaranteed weeping movie?
3. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
Get rid of some stuff
4. What's one thing you like to do alone? interuptions
5. Do you have a fear?
Heights...working on it
6. What is the little physical habit that gives away you're insecure?
7. Are you a pyromaniac?
8. Do you have too many love interests?
9. Do you know anyone famous?
10. Describe your bed:
Queen, Maple, Lots of Pillows, Pastle patchwork quilt with stitching...comfy
11. Who would play you in a movie?
Reese Witherspoon...I wish!
12. What do you carry with you at all times?
A book
13. Are you happy with your given name?
Yep, yep
14. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?
15. What color is your bedroom?
16. What was the last song you were listening to?
Bless the Broken Road...Rascal Flatts
17. Have you ever been in love?
18. Do you talk a lot?
Yes, I have to work on allowing silences (ahh edu 201!)
19. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
Most days, yes
20. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
21. What is your ideal marriage location?
My home church...but its not that important
22. Which musical instrument do you wish you could play?
Piano really well
23. What smell do you find sexy?
Guys when they have that clean just showered smell
24. How do you eat an apple?
Just plain or with strawberry cream cheese
25. What do you order at a bar?
Unfortunatly not 21
26. Have you ever pierced your body parts?
Only ears
27. Do you have any tattoos?
28. Do you drive a stick?
29. What's one trait you hate in a person?
Personality...treats people as inferior and doesn't like to read
Physically...Doesn't look clean
30. What kind of watch do you wear?
None...cause mine is broken...usually a silver one with a watch face the color of the ocean
31. Do you consider yourself materialistic?
32. What do you cook the best?
Chicken Parmasian
33. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
Blend in
34. What's one car you will never buy?
A Hummer
35. What kind of books do you like to read?
Historical, Mystery, Suspence...Romance
36. Burial or cremation?
37. What's one thing you're a loser at?
38. Do you cry in front of your friends?
Try not to
39. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people?
No idea...anyone want to enlighten me?
40. Are you a giver or a taker?
Mostly giver? Sometimes taker...
41. When's the last time someone made you cry?
No one makes me cry...usually situations
42. Favorite communication method?
Talking face to face is best...but I also like im and phone
43. How many drinks before you're tipsy?
not sure
43. First thing you did this morning?
Made myself Chi tea
44. Last thing you ate?
45. Is your cell phone a piece of crap?
46. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 months?
Enjoying my summer and doing stuff with friends
47. What's annoying you right now?
Not being able to see my friends very much
48. What's the last movie you saw in a theater?
Cars...fam thing
49. Do you believe in long distance relationships?
Yea, if both people are willing to make it work
50. When was the last time it rained?
This afternoon
51. Is there someone you miss?
52. Who was the last person you texted?
Don't have texting on my phone
53. If you could kill someone who would you kill?
ahh..not sure?
54. Song that sums up your love life?
ha ha what love life?
55. Are there a few things you wish you were better at?
oh yea
56. If you could be anywhere this second, where would it be?
Enjoying the lake with friends and fam
57. What's your most vivid memory from 7th grade?
Walking the halls before school
58. Latest addiction?
Chi tea
59. Have you ever had the urge to kill someone?
not really
60. How many people would you say you are interested in?
a few
61. What do you love doing?
Reading, Swimming, Tubing, Babysitting, Doing stuff with friends, Just realaxing
62. Do you think someone thinks about you daily?
63. Who was the last person you saw or talked to?
64. What do you want to be when you grow up?
a third grade teacher