I didn't get a chance to escape, since the TV guy had to do a little more than I thought. No sooner had he left, then everyone pulled in the drive way.
Just so you know. I'm making myself disappear tomorrow night. I'll return Thursday morning/afternoon, I'm not sure when. Dunno what I'm gonna do either, but I sure as well ain't gonna be able to stick around here. No way in Hell
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Well, this ranks as one of the worst nights of my exsistance. My hope, has dissolved, for my insight has made the semi-obvious completely apparent to me.
I can get a new car since the old one died. But it's home in NY. I can take a bus there, but it's $120. Which I don't have due to rent/food/paying gas for my rides to work right now. I can get the three days off of work I'd need to go there. Just... no bus fare....