On New Year's Eve, The Gentlemen's Club played a show at the new Javajazz. They apparently have never had a band with two drummers play a set before, and had never even considered the possibility, because the massive carpeted platform that they have set up for drummers was like 6 feet by 6. Not big enough for two sets. So I was nice and let Sam take it. The entire show, my drums were sliding away from me because the floor was so smooth and I didn't have carpet to hold the drums in place. Meanwhile, no one could hear me anyway because my drums weren't miked (because they didn't have enough shit to mic two sets of drums). So here I am, the whole show, literally playing with one hand while my other is engaged in pulling my drumset back to me because it's so far away that I have to lean forward in my seat to even reach, fucking up constantly because of this, and no one can even hear enough of what I'm playing for the good parts to sound good.
Comments 6
Being a drummer can suck some balls!
But if I was, I would've told you it sounded amazing... but in a really really sarcastic tone.
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