The owner and his wife are Gardnerian. He has moderators from each of the major lineaged Trad Wicca gruops.
The primary purpose of the forum is to engage seekers in conversation. Some seekers come ready to find this, some people come looking for a fight, some people don't know what they are looking for. So the conversations get interesting.
I strongly recommend reading some in the archives. Search out topics you might find interesting. Skip and hop at random, and reading the previous three months is never a bad start.
There is a specific culture here. It is somewhat different from any other forum in that this culture is not only inherant but it is not guided by the primary posters. Which elders are posting fluctuates, but the culture does not.
Comments 1
This is the forum I told you about.
The owner and his wife are Gardnerian. He has moderators from each of the major lineaged Trad Wicca gruops.
The primary purpose of the forum is to engage seekers in conversation. Some seekers come ready to find this, some people come looking for a fight, some people don't know what they are looking for. So the conversations get interesting.
I strongly recommend reading some in the archives. Search out topics you might find interesting. Skip and hop at random, and reading the previous three months is never a bad start.
There is a specific culture here. It is somewhat different from any other forum in that this culture is not only inherant but it is not guided by the primary posters. Which elders are posting fluctuates, but the culture does not.
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