In his more honest moments, Chase admits to himself that it never would have worked out between them.
They're from two different worlds, for a start. He's pretty sure that never ends well. They aren't even the same species. They have entirely different futures, in entirely different places.
But all that logic can't stop Chase--after all, when has logic ever stopped him before? Even knowing it's wrong, he can't stop thinking about it. Well, he can. When he's with Gert, all other thoughts leave his mind entirely, and it's not like he's particularly focused on the best of days, but he always comes back to the what ifs, the could have beens, the maybes.
"Stein," says Brainy, shocking him out of his thoughts. "What are you doing?"
"Watchin' DVDs," Chase mutters, looking sheepish.
"Is that Superboy's wife?"
"Yes," says Chase, sighing.
So what if Kon's good for her. Buffy/Angel OTP, yo.